Everybody Has Something

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I woke up early the next morning feeling a little more ready to face the day. I was still uncomfortable with what was happening but talking with Nate had helped me realize a few things. First, I was still me. I felt different, true. Hell, I was different in a lot of ways, but I was still just me in the end. Second, everyone here was in the same boat. It helped to be around people who wouldn't shun me for this...thing...that had happened to me, Even if I wasn't ready to share all the details just yet, it was comforting to know I could whenever I was ready.

The hall outside was quiet and I didn't find anyone in the library or the bar. Even Ben was absent from his corner chair. I wandered around the open space for a bit, looking at the books on the shelves and enjoying the quiet. I got tired of waiting for anyone to appear and decided to find breakfast on my own.

    I had no idea where the kitchen actually was, only that the cook's name was Fletch and you shouldn't mess with his stuff. One of the others usually brought the food out for breakfast and lunch and I had never actually been to dinner so I was at a loss where to start looking. I tried the door between the two staircases. Inside I found a massive dining room. The long table running down the middle could have sat an army. A delicate patterned cloth ran the whole length of the table and a gold chandelier hung over the middle. Tall glass front cabinets around the room held various ornamental dishes and figurines. Across the room another door stood slightly ajar, soft light fell across the rug from inside. When I pushed the door open I found a kitchen to match the dining room with big ovens, heavy duty metal sinks, and even an open fire pit. One long line of windows gave a nice view of the garden I had seen from the upstairs hall. A marble top island stood in the middle of the room, over which hung a variety of shining pots and pans. There was an stooped elderly man standing at it, shredding carrots into delicate ribbons. His long white side button coat hung off his lean frame, the few tufts of grey hair he had were neatly combed and his wrinkled face was pinched in concentration. He could have been doing brain surgery instead of making a salad. This must be Fletch. As I walked closer he looked up and narrowed his eyes.

    "Ah, another new face. Mr. Torrington has so many new friends. It is hard to keep up." He sounded like he wished this Mr. Torrington would stop making friends.

    "Sorry, who?"

    "Ah, yes. Colin it would be to you, I suppose. Mr. Torrington does not hold with the formalities." It was obvious he did not agree with that behavior either.

    "I'm sorry to bother you. I didn't see anyone in the library so I thought..."

    "Mr. Torrington, Mr. Ward, and Mr. Montgomery left early this morning. Mr. Torrington informed me a formal breakfast would not be needed today." He blew an annoyed breath out his nose, "I imagine our other guests are still in bed."

    So Colin and Cooper had left? "Who's Mr. Montgomery?"

    He looked for a moment like he wouldn't answer. "Nathan" He growled.

    Where could they have gone? With all the talk of how dangerous it had become for changers I assumed everyone would be laying low for a while. Surely they didn't go looking for more changers after the disaster with Sean. They probably just went for supplies or something. All this stuff had to come from somewhere so that made sense. But I couldn't shake the dread that something was wrong.

    Fletch cleared his throat loudly, "Will you be needing something then?"

    "Um...I would be happy to make something myself. It's no trouble..."

    He puffed up indignantly. "You most certainly will not! Mr. Torrington would never allow it," I doubted that. "And you would probably have the kitchen a disaster. Just tell me what you would like to have and I will prepare it."

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