From horrible, to amazing.

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"I choose" I stood there with tears in my eyes. I was half mad, and half upset. Why would they make me choose? Why did this have to happen to me?

They looked at me with eager eyes. I could feel my heart beat racing faster. I didn't want to choose, so i wasn't going to.

"Im not choosing" i stated

"What do you mean?" Niall asked

"Im.Not.Choosing. If you really loved me like you said you do, you wouldn't make me choose! How do you think i feel being put in the middle of this?! I didn't even like you guys in the first place! If it wasn't for that stupid nando's, i wouldn't be in this situation, and my heart wouldn't be breaking. Im sorry, but im not choosing, and you can't make me." I said walking past them

I could feel the tears streaming down my face again, as i walked back to the beach where the rest of the boys were.

"Claire! Whats wrong?" Louis said

I ignored him, and walked off the beach, and down the street. It was freezing out, but i didn't care. I just kept walking. I kept seeing couples cuddling, and kissing. Why can't my life be like that? Everything was fine with me and harry, until niall had to come and ruin it. Why does he always do this to me? First tess, now this! I wish i never even met him.

"Claire! Stop!" I heard harry call to me

I turned around, and he was running up to me. When he got to me, he put his hands on his knees, and caught his breath. I was just standing there, still cold, and with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Claire, im sorry. We shouldn't have made you choose! It was stupid! I don't want to loose you, please, just give me another chance" he said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Harry, i can't" I said. His face dropped, and tears started to form in his eyes, but i continue "I like you. A lot. You know that. But if i go back out with you, that won't be fair to niall, or me for that matter. I love niall harry. I can't hurt him-"

"But he hurt you! And who was there for you? Not niall! ME! I was there when you needed a shoulder to cry on, and your telling me that you still love him?! You know what, forget it. Have fun with niall." he said walking off

Here come the tears again. I just lost the best boyfriend i have had. Maybe he was right. Why did i still love niall? He did hurt me, multiple times. His girlfriend hurt me, and he didn't do anything. There probably on the beach right now snogging eachother's faces off. Harry has always been there for me. Yes, he was annoying the first day he met me, but he has always been there. I don't love him yet, but i think-no i know that i could start to fall in love with him. What did i just do?

I walked back to the beach, and everyone was in the water. I went up to a bench, and sat down. I let the cool breeze blow across my face, as shivers went down my body. I leaned down, and closed my eyes. I felt someone sit next to me, but i just continued to sit there, enjoying the peace.

"Claire?" Niall asked me

I sighed "What?" i said a little too harshly

He looked at me sadly, but then continued "Im sorry. I never should have made you choose. Please don't be mad at harry. You should be mad at me. Not him. I just got jealous."

"Its not just your fault niall. Im not mad at you, or harry. I just got a little upset, because i didn't know what to do. Did you mean what you said, you know when you said you loved me?" i asked looking at the ground blushing

His fingers went under my chin and he lifted my eyes to face his "I have since the first day i met you. Claire, the only reason i even went out with julia was to make you jealous, but then when i saw you with harry, and i heard you were dating, i hated myself, for passing up the oprotunity for being with you. When we kissed before, at the hospital, i was certain that i love you. The only reason that i wanted you to choose, was because if you chose harry, then i would know to move on, but now that you broke up with harry, i feel horrible. You seemed so happy, and i can't believe i ruined that for you. What im trying to say, is that claire, i will wait for you. I will wait for you to fall in love with me, as much as i am with you. I don't think its possible for me to love you more." he said

I felt my heart beat faster, and tears forming in my eyes, and a smile creep onto my face. "Niall, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I have to admit, when i saw you with julia, it broke my heart. I was ready to tell you, but then i saw you with her and i-"

"tell me what?" niall asked smiling

I took a deep breath "Niall, i love you too. That kiss at the hospital, was the most amazing kiss i have ever had. When i was with harry, it didn't feel right. Yes, i felt a little spark when we kissed, but nothing compared to the sparks i felt with you. Every time im with you, i get butterflies in my stomach, and i just want to be in your arms. I love you niall. Im sorry it took me so long to realise." i said letting out a breath.

He smiled at me, and his eyes stared intensely at mine. He leaned closer, and i wasted no time. I filled the gap between us, kissing him hard on the lips. His hands went to my waist, and he pulled me closer. I moved my hands up to his hair, and pulled slightly. This kiss was full of passion, and love. This was the best kiss we have shared. We pulled away, and caught our breathe.

"Claire, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked

"I would love to be your girlfriend nialler" i said kissing him again.

He stood up, and held out his hand for me to take. I gladly took it, and he led me towards the gang. They all exchanged glances as niall pulled me in and kissed my nose, making me blush. They all cheered, except for harry, who just sat there looking at the ground.

"Claire, can we talk?" harry asked

I felt niall tense up next to me. I gave him a reassuring smile, and let go of his hand, standing up and following harry. We walked over so no one could hear us.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I have to admit, im glad that you and niall are together." i gave him a confused look. He laughed "because as much as i hate to admit it, you two are meant for eachother. Yes, i like you, and i don't think thats going to change, but im glad your happy"

I pulled him into a hug smiling like a loon. I pulled away, and we walked back to where everyone else was. Liam was starting a fire, and niall was plucking at his guitar strings. I snuck up behind him, and hugged him from behind. He smiled at me, and i moved next to him. He put his guitar down, and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from the side. I rested my head on his chest, and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you" he whispered into my ear. I smiled.

"I love you too" i said


A/N: Heey guise. Im sorry its a short chapter. I promise the next one will be longer! But yay Niall and Claire are together!! Finally. :) I promise i will try to upload at least twice a week.. I have been really busy with dance team, and home work, and just life in general.

But anyway, i hope you liked this chapter! I enjoyed writing the sweet parts :)

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Lilly xxxxx

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