The funeral

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Claire's POV:

"I'd just like to thank everyone for coming... My brother was my best friend. I told him everything.... H-he never judged me, or made me feel bad about myself. When I was 14, he went off to college, and I was devistated... I cried for nights. After a while I started to hate him.. I hated him for leaving me, and I thought that he didn't want me to be in his life anymore... W-when I was 17, I saw him again... He came In my work. I pushed him away... I couldn't forgive him for leaving me... I-I never knew that, that would be the last time that I would ever see him again." I started to sob "im sorry...." I said "w-what I-I'm trying to s-say is , that never take people's love for granted. The people you love can be taken away from you so easily. Before I end this, semi long speech, I would just like to say one final thing... Joe, if your listening, I love you, and I am so sorry.... I forgive you." as I said that a light shined through the window "hi joe" I whispered and smiled at the window

I went back to my seat, and laid my head on nialls head. "you did great babe" he said and he kissed my head. For the first time in a week I smiled, a genuine smile.

-later that day-

I was laying on my bed, thinking about joe and all the memories that we shared. I smiled thinking about this time when I was little and we went to the fireworks.


"joe! Look! A duck. Quack quack!" my 5 year old self said

"ya! Its cool huh? Don't get to close! It might bite you!" he said

"uh uh! Ducks don't bite! Joe you silly" I giggled as I walked up to the duck

I pet it's feathers and it turned around and bit me. I started to cry as joe ran over to me.

"Claire bear, I told you not to pet it! Come on love, let's go get some ice cream!" he said

I shot up instantly, and he laughed. I grabbed his hand practically dragged him to the ice cream stand.


"joe! Joe! Look at the fireworks!" I screamed as I stared at the sky in awe.

"alright kiddo, let's go sit down with mom and dad" joe said

"okay joey!" I smiled

-end of flashback-

I wiped the stray tear from my eye. I couldn't help but miss him. I spent so much time ignoring his phone calls, that I forgot how much I need him in my life.




"hello?" I asked

"Claire bear! I'm so glad you answered! I miss yo-!"

"dont. DON'T JOE! you left me. Not the other way around! I hate you! Don't call here ever again!" I screamed into the phone

"Claire bear please!"

"you don't get to call me that anymore. Goodbye Joseph." I said and hung up the phone.

I walked upstairs, and cried into my pillow. I hate him. I hate him so much.

-end of flashback-

The truth about that memory, is that I dont want to remember it. That was the last time I talked to him... And I was so cruel. I pushed him away, when I needed him the most.

If only I could see him one last time, and tell him that I'm sorry. And hug him... His hugs were the best. He always has big bear hugs that are full of love. He was such an amazing brother, but I couldn't see that because I was being a selfish teenager. I took his love for granted.

Speaking of love. Where's niall?

I walked downstairs and saw Eleanor and perrie sitting on the couch cuddling up with their boyfriends. I smiled at them and then went into the kitchen where I knew I would find him. Ah ha! Yup, I was right.

"hey babe" I said

"claire! You came out of your room!" he said hugging me and spinning me around

I kissed his lips, which I had missed over this past week. He smiled into the kiss which made me smile. I really love niall. His hand went down to my butt and he squeezed it.

"niall!" I said laughing

"what?" he said acting innocent

"you squeezed my butt!" I said crossing my arm

"I'm sorry! It was so firm! I had to. I'm sorry babe, forgive me?" he said pouting his lip

"okay, but only because I love you!" I said

He kissed me again. I deepened the kiss and he pulled me closer to him, so that our chest were touching. His tongue fought with mine, and he lifted me up and put me on top of the counter. He removed his lips from mine, and put them on my neck leaving small kisses and love bites. I opened my neck more to give him more access to my neck. He smirked at me and gave me a questioning look. I nodded and he led me upstairs.

{A/N: I think we all know what happened next 😉 }

I woke up the next morning cuddled in nialls arms, just I liked. I slowly got up out of bed trying not to wake him up. I smiled in success and headed to take a shower.

When I got out of the shower, i changed into black denim shorts, and a light pink blouse with lace shoulders and light pink shoes with black bows on the tips. I curled my hair and did a smokey eye and applied some mascara and lip gloss.

As I was walking down the hallway I felt someone hug me from behind.

"nialllll.. I'm hungry. I want food!" I whined

"alright I'll take you out, let me get a shower."


God she was beautiful. She is flawless. I am so glad she is my princess.

I got out of the shower, and threw on some jeans and a t shirt. I walked downstairs grabbed my keys, and looked for claire.

"claire?" I asked

No answer. "claire?!" no answer. My heart dropped. I walked to the kitchen and saw a note.

'if you want your precious Claire back, give me a million dollars. Meet me at Charlie's on saturday. Bring no one, or she gets hurt.'

My heart stopped.

What happened to claire?!


A/N: sooo??? Was it good enough for a 2 week wait?! I promise I will update on either Saturday and sunday, and it will be sooo much longer! I did this on my ipod, so I don't know how long it is... But comment, vote, and share!

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