What did you just say?

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I opened my eyes, and found that the hospital room was empty. I let out a long sigh and sat up more on my bed. My head hurts so bad, and the IV in my arm stings a little. All i could hear was the distant sound of nurses talking and my heart monitor beeping a steady pace. I wanted more then anything to just be out of this stupid hospital. I wanted to go back to my apartment, and lay in my own bed.

The nurse about 35 came in. She had a shocked expression on her face, and then left the room quickly. I wondered why she would do that. Then she came back with a doctor, and niall. Niall. He stayed?

"Hello Claire, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked

"Tierd. Confused, and my head feels like an elephant is sitting on it." i said

"Well thats normal. We need to keep you here over night for observation"

I let out a groan. "great" i said sarcastically

"Im sorry, but its just one more day. Then you can go home"

I nodded and looked over at niall who had a huge smile on his face. I smiled back, and the nurse and doctor left the room. Niall walked over to me, and sat on a chair beside the bed.

"Hey niall" I said

"Hi" he said looking down at the ground

"Whats wrong?"

"I was just really worried about you. You were out for about two weeks." he explained

"Well im okay now, so smile!" i said

He smiled at me and held my hand. I felt shivers going down my spine as soon as he touched me. I felt my cheeks go red, and i looked away from niall and out the window. He squeezed my hand tighter, and i looked at him. I couldn't help but form a smile on my face. He had that effect on me. I like niall. I do, but too bad he will never feel the same way.

"CLAIRE! your awake!" Screamed Louis as he entered the room

"and now my head hurts ever more" i laughed

"Oh, right. Sorry!" He said coming over and hugging me.

"So, tomorrow when you get out of here, we need to go celebrate!" Louis said "Only if your up for it" Liam added.

"Okay. Sounds good" I smiled

We talked about random things. Mostly about their tour, and upcoming shows. They were in london for a couple more weeks, then they go to the US. I was sad when i heard that they were leaving, because i have become great friends with them. I understand that its their job, but it still sucks.


I finally get to leave the hospital today, after two long weeks. My head still hurt, but not as bad. I was suprisingly full of energy. Louis and i raced out the doors of the hospital. He won, of course. That was bad for me, because we made a bet that who ever won, had to do whatever the other person says. Oh lord, i can only imagine what he's going to make me do.

"Ha! I won! Now you have to do what ever i want.. hmm. what should i have you do?" Louis said

Harry came and whispered something in his ear, and louis put on a mischevious smile. Harry could have said anything. To tell you the truth, i was freaking terrified.

"Kiss Niall." Louis said

"What?" Niall and i both said

"Kiss my irish friend here. You have to, you lost the race. Plus, its not like you haven't before, if i remember correctly you two were snogging the first day you met" he winked at me

With you by my side (A One Direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now