New Feelings?

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What the hell? I woke up to a loud banging noise coming from the kitchen. I didn't recognise where i was at first, but then i realised, that i was hangout out with one direction. That felt weird to say. I walked out into the kitchen, and saw harry picking up some broken glass off the floor.

"You okay?" I asked. He jumped a little

"Oh, yah. sorry did i wake you?"

"Yah. Its okay.. i should be getting home anyway" I said making my way to kitchen table.

"Why do you have to leave so soon?" He seemed upset

"Because, i have work today." I said

"oh. well i can drive you if you want?"

"Yah, okay. Thanks" I said biting into an apple i had picked up from a bowl in the middle of the table.

I ate the rest of my apple, and by now Niall was up. The rest of the boys were still asleep. Niall looked at me, and smiled. I smiled back. His eyes were the perfect shade of blue. I could get lost in them if i stare too long. I looked away at that thought.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asked me

"Yah, thanks" I smiled

"What are your plans for today?" He asked

"Work." I say sadly

"What time do you get off?"


"Well, would you maybe want to catch a movie? Maybe go out to dinner before?" He asked looking  down at the ground

I wanted, to but i didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I decided that i was taking to long to answer, so i finally replied.

"Yah, i would like that"

"Okay, i'll pick you up after work?"

"Okay, sounds good"

I felt a slight blush come to my cheeks. Why? I don't like Niall... Do i?


Harry dropped me off at Nando's, and i thanked him, and walked in. There was a normal Saturday rush. This time i had help. My friend, Cassie, was there to help.

"Hey cass" I said walking behind the counter

"Hey Claire Bear. Haven't seen you in a while"

"I know! We never have the same shifts anymore! What have you been up to?" I asked her

"Well, i have a boyfriend"

"Oooh! What's his name?"


"Billy what?"


My heart dropped. That was my ex. The one that cheated on me. The one that broke my heart into a million peices. I couldn't let him do that to her, but if i told her she shouldn't date him, she would just think i was being a jealous bitch. Cassy is my best friend. I need to tell her. No. Claire. Stay out of it. She's happy. Let her be.

"He's coming by later today, so you can meet him!" She squealed with excitement

"Thats awesome! Im happy for you!" I said trying to sound excited.

I walked away, and started waiting on tables. I couldn't help but think about Billy. How could i face him after all the hurt that he put me through? I wanted this day to be over. I didn't want to face him again. It has been two years. Two years since my heart break, and two years since i started cutting. He made me hurt so bad. I hated him.

With you by my side (A One Direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now