Chapter 6

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Hey! Another update.. Not edited. I'm actually typing this while waiting in my car for it to be 6:15 pm. Cause I am early. For everything. All the time.
Anyway, I wanted to upload one, maybe I'll regret this and edit it again in a few hours

Enjoy!! Comment !! Vote!! Something


we decided to tell my paretns first.

I was standing in the living room, hearing my paretns laugh in the kitchen, waiting for Ryan to ring the damn doorbell. After we met at Starbucks, we went for a little walk and stopped to eat, cause I was feeling rather famished. I was a ticking bomb. Minutes away from exploding into tiny little bits of nervousness. I couldn't handle this wait. My nails couldn't handle this wait. once long and beautiful, now ugly and bitten like there was no tomorrow.

The doorbell rang. Oh thank god, I thought to myself. I ran to the door and opened it.

"Thank god. What took you so long?" I pulled him inside from his bicep and shut the door.

"I'm sorry" he whispered "I'm nervous, your dad is going to butcher me alive"

"sweetie, who's there?" my mom called from the kitchen

"Um.. Mom" My voice shook. Ryan stood behing me, rubbing my back. "Could you and dad come to the living room for a sec?"

"Sure" They stopped as they saw Ryan behind me. "What is the matter?" My dad now asked, looking at Ryan.

"Dad, just sit in the living room. We'll explain everything"

They got into the livingroom, Ryan and I trailing behind them.

"You aren't getting married, are you?" mom asked as she sat down in the sofa in front of the TV.

"Cause you're too young for that, young lady" my dad interjected

I wanted to laugh. I wish that was the case.

"I want to tell you first, that I love you guys." Ryan looked at me, wanting to smile. He knew I trying to manipulate my parents heart. Make them all happy that I said it and then BAM! Surprise.

"We...we love you too" my mom looked confused.

Like a bandaid, Courtney. Like a bandaid, I kept chanting in my head.

One breath


Another breath


Ryan standing next to me, squeezing my arm for assurance.

Another breath

Dad starting to look worried


"I'm pregnant"


"It could've gone worse" I murmured to myself. I got into my bed, turning of the lights. After we told my parents, everything went to hell and then some. My dad yelled, my mom cried and then yelled some more. Ryan tried to explain, but they wouldn't let him. They said there is not one single reasonable excuse he could give, that they would except and understand. Whatever happened, happened. And what matters now is the consequences. They grounded me, kicked out Ryan and took every imaginable electrical device I had, which I had a lot. They even took my kindle and Nook, and no begging or telling them what kind of parents prevents their kid to read, will help.

So yeah... It could've been worse. They could've kicked me out.

And throughout the all conversation we never tallied about- what we'll do now, what am I thinking if doing or anything like that. Soon after we told them, they yelled how irresponsible we are, how could we do this to ourselves, do we even know how hard it is to raise a child? How we won't be able to do anything? And right after that, Ryan was kicked out, ordered to not contact me for the next couple of days. Which was funny, because five minutes after that, my parents took my phone..


Could've been worse, I thought to myself. Could've gotten punched or call my parents or even kick Court out. They could've. They didn't. Not one the did they even hint about doing that, about her needing to do this on her own. They'll stand by her no matter what.

My parents are probably a different story. I decided to tell them myself, not let Courtney deal with them. They are not like her parents. Sure, her dad works a lot, like mine. Her mom is in the same charity events as my mother. But they are not the same people. They care and protect their daughter.

I walk into my house, hearing murmured voices from the living room. Weird, they usually aren't home this early. It could mean two things- one, they made up and my dad promised never to do it again, which ended by th staying home like old times, or, two- they kissed but haven't made up, my dad left for the night. Probably to his girlfriend. And my mom is there watching some reality tv show, depressed. Either way, I am really not in the mood for them.

I enter the living room and see my parents cuddling. Option number one, I see.

"Hey mother" should I tell them now? "Father"

"Son" my father answers with a deep voice, his brown hair is peppered with white at the edges "how was your day?"

"It was.." Oh what the hell "we need to talk"

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