Chapter 10

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Ryan. Past.

She's here.
I cannot believe she came. She never comes to these types of parties. She is so beautiful. I keep sneaking glances like a fool. Trying to catch her gaze just for a second. Just for me to smile at her and let her know I exist. I don't know what's wrong with me. I sound like a sap these days. But seeing her every day in the halls and not having the damn courage to talk to her is torture enough. I don't need to add weekend parties to that short and very excruciating list.
Again- a f*cking sap. Where is Todd and his stupid lackeys when you need someone to punch?
I turn to my left and see.... I honestly don't know who this chick is. But apparently we're way past introductions, because she's allowing herself to name me after a pig. Nice.
"Yeah?" I answer lazily, scanning the room for another glimpse of Courtney.
"I asked if you wanted to go someplace quite" she trailed her hand down my chest towards my belt, stopping there.
It's then when I see her again, looking all scared and out of place. I don't know why she's alone and not with her friend. Oh damn. I can't stop myself. I gently push the 5'3 pixie out of my personal space and start towards Courtney. I'm a man with a mission. No one will distract me.
"Man! Beer pong" chad called from the patio "I need help winning this bet" I was about to say no, but as I turned back around to where Courtney was standing I saw she disappeared. Freaking gone. Like the wind.
I sighed and turned towards chad "yeah, sure man. Whatever"
I'll be a man with a mission after we beat some a**....

Present - Courtney
So I finally peed. I am a relieved girl.
I step out of the restrooms and see Ryan looking all hot and brooding leaning against a random locker. God. He is so hot. It is obvious he has a six pack. And his arms are definitely a force to be reckon with. I mean, oh my god. How can you get that fit. Like seriously, I just think about starting to go to the gym and I get tired.
"I won't care if you take a picture, you know. It'll keep you warm at nights" I lift my gaze and see Ryan smirking at me. Still leaning, with his arms crossed against his chest, against the locker.
I blush. "Shut up". I walk towards him and he pulls me in closer, resting his hands on my hips.
"I think I'm gonna call the obgyn today" I whisper. No one is listening to us, everyone are already rushing to their cars, happy to finish this long school day. "I can't keep ignoring this".
His grip tightens on my hips, "I think that's a great idea, babe. Let me know when and we'll go together."
He's freaking amazing. We're only 17 years old and he's already stepping up and helping me through this.
"I don't know what I want to do" I suddenly whispered, gazing down at his shoes
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know if I want to keep it. I don't even know if I want to not not keep it. Ugh I'm so confused. I don't know what to do—"
"Hey hey Court" he said soothingly "look at me please"
I couldn't. I kept my gaze down, playing with the hem of his shirt.
One of his hands left my hip and he grasped my chin gently and lifted my head. When I looked at him I saw his blue eyes soften.
"Whatever you decide, I will support you. Let's take this step by step, ok?"
I nodded.
"We'll set up a Doctor's appointment, ask your mom if she wants to join us, and then we'll figure out the next few steps"
He lowered his head, kissing the tip of my nose "well get through this together" he whispered against my lips.
Then he stepped away a little, smiling at me "Now let's go eat. I'm starving"

When are you coming home?
I read the text and frowned. Usually my parents let me do as I please. They never text me after school wondering when I come home. And if they do it's usually after 5 pm just to check if I'm alive and coming for dinner. But let's be honest, I'm always home after school. So the few times they actually texted at 5 were a rare occasion.
I don't know. Why?
I set my phone aside and looked outside the car, waiting for Ryan. He went inside our local burger place to get us some food. He said he has something special he wants to show me. Which immediately made me blush and think about how special his thing really his. Which he noticed, laughed, and told me to get my mind out of the gutter. It did not help. While he stepped out of the car and started towards the burger place, I couldn't stop thinking about... you know. Not until my mom texted me. The definition of a cold shower ladies and gentleman.
Because, Courtney. We need to talk about this. We can't pretend everything is normal.
Damn. I wish we could though. Why can't we? Why can't we just live in a blissful ignorant world where I'm still a virgin who only kissed Sloppy Stevie behind the gym in 8th grade.
Fine. I'll be home soon...
I almost pressed send, but then added: with Ryan.
As soon as I pressed 'send' Ryan opened the door and got into the car. The smell of grease and fast food soon overwhelmed the car and my stomach woke up.
"This smells amazing" I said, reaching for a bag. I honestly don't care about being all polite. I'm hungry. So I snatched a bag, opened it, and stuffed a handful of fries into my mouth. And moaned. It wasn't even that good. But I was suddenly ravenous. This thing inside me is really demanding.
I heard Ryan groan. And when I lifted my gaze I saw him looking at me with heat in his eyes.
"Oh come on" I said incredulously "you can't seriously be turned on right now. I just stuffed ten fries into my mouth"
"Tell me what else you're gonna stuff in there?" He said jokingly, waggling his eyebrows.
"Omg. That's terrible" I couldn't stop laughing.
"But seriously though, you can't moan like that" he thought about it for a second "no you know what. You can definitely moan like that, but when we're alone and not in a crowded parking lot"
And I kept laughing. It made me feel empowered, knowing I affected him that much. That I turned him on even when I was stuffing food into my mouth.
"We need to go home" I had to ruin the mood. It's my thing now. Ruin moods.
"Oh ok.. any particular reason?" He said, starting up his car
"My mom texted me. She wants me to come home and talk to her and my dad" I gazed at him while he switched to drive, "I told her you're coming too"
He looked at me for a second and nodded.
The rest of the car ride was spent in silence. I was too nervous to talk, and after a few tries, Ryan got the hint and turned on the radio. And I kept eating. Apparently my nerves did not affect my appetite.
Ryan parked in front of my house and turned off the car. "Ok let's do this." He said with a forced smile "it's all gonna be ok"
Yeah right. I walked out of the car and waited for Ryan to walk around the car so we could walk together. A United, yet very new, front.
Before we even reached the door, my mom already opened it.
"You're dad is waiting in the living room." And with that she turned away and headed to the kitchen.
I guess that was her way of saying go to the living room and sit down. In a weird way.
I felt Ryan behind me following as I entered the living room. I saw my dad sit on the love seat in front of the larger couch- the one I decided Ryan and I are going to sit on.
After that there was silence. My dad kept staring at us, flicking worried and disappointed looks at me and hateful I'm going to castrate and then kill you looks towards Ryan.
"Ok guys" my mom entered the room and sat next to my dad, "we were hoping to have this conversation with Courtney alone" she sighed "but it does concern you too, Ryan, so it's good you're here"
"Mom, what's this about?"
"We want to set a date for an abortion" I turned my head quickly to my dad, shocked.
"Your mom and I talked about it and we think it'll be best if we terminate this quickly."
"But.." I couldn't speak. Because I honestly didn't know what I was feeling. Do I want to argue about this? Am I willing to agree?
"Sweetie" my mom sat a little forward "you're only 17. You can't possibly have a child now. Think about your future. What about college?"
I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen in the future. And I don't know about college. I don't know anything. I just sat there, shocked and in silence.
"We should set it ASAP" my mom started to rise from the love seat, taking my silence as acceptance.
"Check if they have an appointment for today" my dad looked at my mom
"With all due respect sir" Ryan started "ma'am" he looked at my mom. Both my parents froze and hardened their gazes. I completely forgot he was next to me. His hand reached behind me to rub my back soothingly before continuing " I think this is something Courtney and I should discuss. For more then 5 seconds" he held their gazes for a beat before continuing "we decided to set a Doctor's appointment before deciding anything"
"A doctor's appointment? " my mom exclaimed "you can't! We need to get this over with as soon as possible"
"I don't think it's the smartest thing to do, at this moment" his voice strong, just like the hand stroking my back. "We'll go to the doctors appointment, and then we'll revisit this. We should not do anything we'll regret until we're completely sure"
Yes. I completely agree. I just need to find my voice and say it. Say how scared I am and how I don't know what I want. And how I just want to get through this Doctor's appointment (that I haven't even set up yet) and then decide what to do.
My parents kept their shocked gazes on Ryan. And I would've laughed at their open mouthed expressions if this were any other time.
"I think..." I whispered and all heads turned to me. I cleared my throat "I think we're gonna go now" I stood up, reaching for Ryan's hand to pull him with me
"Courtney—" my mom reached for me
"No mom." I lifted my hand to stop her approach "I need time to think. And like Ryan said, we'll talk about this after we see a doctor. I'll be home later. Don't wait up"
And with that I pulled Ryan with me to the front door, ending all circulation to his hand with how hard I was squeezing it. I was sure it was uncomfortable for him, but he never complained and just let me lead him to his car.
"I guess both our parents aren't as supportive as we thought" I whispered, opening the passenger car door and getting in. All the while trying to hold back my tears.

Hey guys!!!
So before I start apologizing about how it's not edited and how I feel awful for taking so long , I'm gonna start a new segment here: he said, she said.... they said.
(Haha such a lame name. I'll think about a new one later and edit this.)
Every chapter I'll ask a question... because I honestly want to know what you guys think about a particular event/ dilemma that happened in the chapter. I am still experimenting with this story, and I don't know yet how it's going to end. Or even what Courtney and Ryan will decide: an abortion or keeping the baby?
I honestly don't know yet. I am letting Courtney decide by just getting her voice out there and seeing what will come out and what her voice inside my head will decide (haha welp. That didn't sound crazy........)

So today's question is the one Courtney and Ryan have to answer:

Baby or abortion? What would you do? Do you think they should keep the baby? Get an abortion? Keep the baby and then adoption?

And now it's groveling time:
So sorry guys for taking so long. I didn't expect people to actually read his story and comment AND LIKE IT.
I'm gonna try and be better with uploading it regularly... and now I'm serious. I'm trying to get better with my time management, cause I suck and I procrastinate and that's why I don't have time to even blink sometimes.

Anyways, hope y'all liked this chapter. Comment your HSSSTS (omg too many S'S. Yep. I'll definitely change the name soon) answer. I really want to know what y'all think.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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