Chapter 7

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yay! Another update! Hope you all like it.. I haven't edited it, cause I. Am. So. Tired. It's like 1 am and I feel like I haven't slept in days!

If this chapter has any mistakes... Forgive me. I'm too tired to read this again.. Well I hope you guys like it.

Off to Berlin and Amsterdam in two weeks!! Sooo excited!! Yay! - sorry, just had to put it in here.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!





"How could you do this to us?!" My Father screamed at me, getting up from the couch

"Do this to you?" I asked, incredulous

"Yes! To us!" He started pacing the room. "All you had to do, was finish high school, get into a good college, find a job, get married AND THEN HAVE A KID."

"What will people say?" My mother whispered, tears in her eyes. "We won't be able to show our faces anymore"

"Really, mom?!" I asked angrily " You won't be able to show your face? that what bothers you more?! that's what you care about?" I shouldn't be surprised. I kind of expected this to happen, them saying all this, but I still had hope. Hope that maybe, when the time comes, they'll prove themselves as the loving parents they say they are. My mother looked at me, shocked at my outburst, while still crying.

"Don't yell at your mother, young boy" My father pointed a finger at me " you will watch your mouth in this house, you understand?" He kept his finger pointed towards me for a few more seconds, then started pacing again after I didn't answer. "Now, your mother is right. This is a disgrace to our family. I am sorry son, but you don't give me any other choice"

I looked at him, confused. What choice is that? Are they going to except this after all? Support me, like Courtney's parents?

"We must send you to boarding school" What? "We'll say it is for your college applications. Sending you abroad will be a great opportunity for you. We won't be linked to this baby, because you won't be here. Not even on holidays...." He kept talking and talking, explaining all the great solutions this will bring us, sending me to some far away school, so no one will know that I got a girl pregnant my senior year. I couldn't believe them! How could they be so dense? How could they let me abandon my responsibility, abandon Courtney, after I promised her I'll be by her side through all this?

"Yes yes, dear. It's perfect. I could still go-"

"No" I stopped my mother mid-sentence "No way"

"Excuse me?" My father looked at me "What do you mean by 'no way'?"

"It means what you think. There is no way I am leaving Courtney to deal with all this by herself"

"Oh. She has a name" My mother threw her hands, frustrated. "Why can't you understand that this will destroy us? We won't be able to show our faces at the country club! I won't be able to organise any events, go to charities or walk into my favourite coffee shop" A vain in her forehead came alive. When she got angry it always woke up. Always. And it always freaked me out, but not this time. This time I'm not giving up.

She continued. "Just let this stupid careless girl deal with this. A girl who sleeps with a boy she just met won't ruin our family. Won't ruin our reputation" i kept silent after that, too shocked to answer her. And by that, my parents thought I agree with them.

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