Yū Otosaka x Reader [part 1]

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"I can't believe I got forced to do this with a stuck up bastard like you." (Name) grumbled.

"Sticks and stones, (last name)," Yū replied, completely unfazed.

The two made their way to a small high school in search for an ability user. What angered the young female adolescent was that is was the TWO of them going. Normally it would have been the entire Student Council going on this assignment, but due to some unfortunate timing the team couldn't make it. So since they were the only two available...

As the two walked, the school came in to sight. (Name) sighed in relief. "Finally, we're here!" She said happily, skipping into the entrance of the school. Yū rolled his eyes, following her with his hands fixed in his pockets.

As they walked in, they instantly stopped not believing what they saw. Before them was a large crowd of people, some standing behind booths and most of them had bright smiles on their face. Kids giggled and chased each other.

"What the hell's going on?" Yū asked.

(Name) eyes scanned the surrounding, pointing at the answer to Yū's question. "A fund raising program."

"Oh great, how are we going to find the ability user now?" Yū asked, scratching the back of his neck annoyed. (Name) flicked his forehead, making the boy's head fly back. "You keep forgetting how beneficial my ability is to the council, don't you?"

(Name)'s ability was foreseeing the actions of an ability user who stood a couple of feet away for just 50-60 seconds. As long as she knew the ability of the person, she could see five seconds ahead of the person's action. It complimented Water Boy's ability perfectly, making things easier.

"You mean that half-assed ability?" He sweat-dropped.

The (h/c) haired girl gritted her teeth, spinning on her heels to turn to the cocky auburn haired boy. The boy's eyes widen and came to an instant stop. The distance between the two was very small and Yū certainly noticed it.

(Name) puffed her cheeks and glared at her colleague, slightly embarrassed that he found her ability "half-assed". "Oh yeah? Fine!" She stomped away but not without calling over her shoulder, "If it's so half assed why don't you find the person without me!"

Yū sighed. She could be so dramatic at times. He searched through the crowd for any suspicious person or acts. Minutes went by, then hours. If he didn't hurry soon, all these people would go home and their target would just slip through his fingers. He gritted his teeth. Where is this damn girl?!

Then he saw it. A young girl being chased by three slightly older boys. What caught his eyes were the eyes of the girl. Quickly, began to run after them.

As he caught up with them, he saw them cornering the young girl. The pestered her; pulled her hair, pushed her and spitted on her.

"What's scum like you going to do about it, huh?" One said tauntily.

"Yeah, loser, I thought you said you can handle all three of us any day. What happened to that?" The second boy challenged, pulling her hair really hard.
The tears in the girl's eyes ran down her face without restrain.

"Damn it, if I don't do something now..." Yū without a second thought activated his ability. He could have succeeded if it wasn't for the boot that collided with the back of his head. The poor boy flew forward, landing not to far from the four kids, completely out of it.

They all looked up at the girl who kicked the auburn haired boy. They all flinched at the look she gave them. "Now listen here punks," her aura becoming dark, "unless you wanna end up like him, I suggest you leave this girl alone and go home," She warned.

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