Yuu Otosaka X Reader Part 2

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She never thought it would happen. She didn't think it was possible. 

"Big.... BIG BROTHER!" She cried out after she received a call from her mother.

The weight of losing Ayumi still laid on her shoulders and now this happened. She was tired. She didn't have the strength anymore to be strong in cases is like this. The school administration let he take time off and she walked home, almost drained. 

The funeral was short but managed to drain even more from her. Everyone could see that she wasn't herself anymore. Her eyes were empty and had lots of dark circles, she lost weight and basically seemed like an empty shell. 

After the funeral, (Name) didn't leave her apartment for what seemed like weeks. She could barely move from her spot - mostly going to the toilet and dragging herself back. She didn't have the zeal to cook or eat anything. She didn't know what to do. Her brother was there to comfort her even when she was comforting Yuu for his loss. Who was going to comfort her now?

*knock knock*

"(Name)?" Yuu's voice came from behind her shot door.

Tears slipped passed (Name)'s cheeks. Well that answer couldn't be a coincident. She wiped her tears and takes a deep breath. "Hey Yuu, you don't need to worry about me, okay. I'm fine," she spoke out as evenly as she can. "Go home."

Yuu, who still stood outside, was stunned. He didn't know how to go about this. He never comforted anyone; his sister being as independent as ever and him only looking out for himself. He felt defeated. She had his back during and even before he lost Ayumi and now it was like no one had her back. 

"I know that you're not."

"What are you talking about? I'm the finest." Her voice evidently wavered. "Just go home... please?"

Yuu didn't say anything anymore. He sighed, placed his bag down and sat in front of her door. Minutes passed, then hours. 

The sound of the door lock snapped him back to the present. Through a crack, Yuu's eyes caught (Name)'s exhausted one. Yuu could've sworn her breath staggered. He got up and pushed the door a bit. When he didn't feel any strain, he continue to advance. He pushed the doo wide open and caught the collapsing girl in his arms.

(Name) didn't fight him. She didn't fight the almost unrecognizable feeling of comfort - of that strange warmth. However, she couldn't bring herself to embrace him. She felt weak - weaker than she's ever felt before. 

"It's okay. You're not alone."

Soft sniffs were heard in the empty hall. "H-how come.. *hic*.. I feel s-so empty and a-alone?"

She quietly cried into Yuu's shoulder until she went limp and unconscious. Yuu carried her exhausted self to the living room not wanting to evade her privacy in he room and placed her on the couch. He sighed. 

(Name) was almost always the backbone to someone, for them to get right back up and hit back harder. And here she was; shattered by a blow she wasn't expecting. Yuu recalled he words. Maybe he could use that to cheer he up a bit. He pulled out his phone and began to text. 


"I knew you were pervy but not to this extent!"

"Owh! Hey!"

"Sshh! You guys are waking her up."

"Good, we didn't come to watch her sleep in the first place."

(Name)'s eyes flutter open, her eyelids still heavy. Her vision was blurred but she could still make out the school uniform of where she attended. She sat up straight and rubbed her eyes and cheeks from dried tears. Instead of seeing only Yuu, she also saw Nao, Jojiro and - looking at the eyes color - Misa.

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