Maedomari x Reader

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Feelings returned to her fingers, toes and limbs. Slowly, but gradually. Her eyes fluttered open. Her (e/c) irises met calm blue ones. She sat up and rubbed her head. A glass of water was handed to her.

"How are you feeling now?" the dark haired male asked.

"Who are you?"

"Ah, of course," the male stood tall and bowed. "My name is Maedomari," he introduced.

"Maedo- mari?" the name tasted oddly familiar to her, but she could've sworn that she has never met this person in her life.

"Yes, can you tell me what you last remember?" Maedomari questioned. He was really at unease. Something in him wished she didn't forget.

(Name) looked around. She didn't recongize this room, nor the boy in front of her. She almost questioned if she was in the right body and life. The only thing that somehow felt familiar was the boy's name. However, she tried to think back.

"I remember getting up in the morning, but not in this room. I also remember going to school and -" her eyes widen. "After school I got chased... And then nothing." She looked up at him confused.

Maedomari hopeful expression faltered, but he smiled nonetheless. "Then my work here is done. I'll help you back home."

Still a bit dazed, (Name) followed the ravenette. She wore her shoes she recognized and took the bag she remembered carrying. The two walked in silence, the girl intensily staring at Maedomari.

"You should really stop sulking, you're too cute for that."

The two stopped. When she realized what she said, she practically blew steam out her ears of embarrassment.
"I-I-I don't know where that came from, I'm so sorry!"

Maedomari's flushed cheeks clenched and he bald his fist. Normally he was collected but he seemed to be losing his cool.

"Never mind. It's okay," he smiled. "Let's just get you home."

Arriving at her house, the two meekly said goodbye. It didn't escape (Name) of how distant and avoiding Maedomari was being.

'Did I know him?'

Shaking that thought off, (Name) continued her day.

Night time came and (Name) was exhausted. She took a quick shower, wore her pajamas and went to her room. It was eerily quiet since her parebts went on a family emergency trip.

She mentally tore her head apart at how she could remember that detail but nit Maedomari. She somehow must have forgotten him but not the familiarity.

She closed her eyes and remembered his handsome features; his calming blue eyes, his dark hair, etc.

The longer she thought about it, the longer she seemed to sink into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile Maedomari laid awake. His heart basically opposed him for choosing to let her go. He hated himself and his ability even more since he did what he did. But it had to be done. He couldn't betray Shunsuke and the others like that. If they caught a hold of her, they would have tortured information out of her. That's why she had to forget.

But it still hurts.

The next few days, Maedomari sulked and was colder than cool. Shunsuke and the others noticed and they knew why.

"Damn it," Shichino cursed. "this bull is really getting to him, huh?"

"Don't call it bull, it was the only way!" Medoki corrected. "It's just sad he had to be the one to lose, you know?"

Shunsuke agrees. "I have a feeling," he interjected, "that our plan mught hace failed."

The two turned to him. "What do you mean?"

Meanwhile, Maedomari walked home. His shoulders slumped and his hands in his pocket. He felt robbed.


Maedomari whiplashed his head up at the sound of (Name). There she stood at his doorstep, a big smile on her face. After erasing her memory, he never brought her there. He never told her of the nickname she gave him!

"(Name)?! Y-you remember?" Maedomari asked hopefully.

Nodding, she runs up to him and hugs him tightly. He gladly returned the gesture.

He dug his nose in her neck and tightly wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You scared the heck out of me," he confessed.

She pulled away, forcing herself out of his grip succesfulky and punched him in his chest several times, hard.

"Ah! What was that for?!"

"That's what you get for trying to erase my memories!" she answers, angry tears running down her cheeks. "I could've easily dealt with those scientists! Even if the plucked my teeth and nails out, I wouldn't have said a thing, don't you trust me?!"

Understanding her anger, Maedomari didn't oppose. He didn't disagree or argue. He just quietly leaned in and laced their fingers. He bend and pressed his forehead against hers. The action calmed her down visibly.

" I know you can handle them. You're strong. I couldn't imagine the sight of you torn up by them for our goal. I had to make you forget the project, our friends. And me. That's why I did it," Maedomari confessed.

More tears streamed out of her eyes. "Stupid. Stupid, stupid Maedo."

She quietly placed her hand behind his neck and pressed down, allowing his lips to reach hers. They remained like that, savoring the nostalgia.

"I don't want to forget," she says as they pull apart.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I'm really sorry."


"Ah, I think I know what you're talking about," Medoki remembered. "You're talking about her immunity, huh."

Shunsuke nodded. "Can't really pinpoint her ability, but it's seems that her body is immune to mental and internal shifts. Sort of like a restoration or something."

Shichino blinked. "That's why it's so easy for her to wake up from hypnotism," he caught up.

"And why Maedomari erasing memory ability doesn't last long on her." Shunsuke clarified his theory.


Maedomari sneezed.

"Ah, you must be catching a cold."

"Probably," he agreed, rubbing his nose wit his index fingers. He was confused, he felt fine.

The sight of his confused expression made (Name) chuckle. It was strange how much she missed him even though he was never really far away. He felt far away. But now they were together again and that was all that mattered.

"Silly, Maedo. Here, let me in, so I can make you some tea or something."

Maedomari looked at her in love. "I'd like that."


Shout out to underrated characters!

Hope you enjoyed!

I'll try to update as soon as possible.


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