Takehito Kumagami X Reader

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A sigh left (Name) parted lips as she waited a while longer for her best friend. Her long time best friend. Her slow best friend.

It always annoyed her how long she had to wait but she could say she was used to it. He had a lot to do being in the student council.

Seeing the last of the guys leave the boys changing room, (Name) decided to slip in.


Takehito flinched and turned around. His face a bit flushed when he saw (Name) stand right in the boy's changing room. He felt even more naked in front of her.

(Name) would be lying if she said Takehito wasn't a fit, attractive young man. She fought the heat in her face as she stared at his unclothed torso. His wet hair strands clinging unto his pecks were not making it easy. Good thing he was still wearing his uniform trousers.

"(Name), what are you doing here?! " he asked, a bit taken aback.

"I came because I wondered why you were taking so long," she answered smugly and then glanced at his wet hair. "I guess, now we know why."

With a small smile, Takehito continued drying his head with a towel. "So impatient," he mumbled to himself.


"You're gonna get yourself in trouble. Not only that, if a student passes by, you're going to give the wrong idea."

"Hmph! Hurry up then. It's pretty cold outside," she grumbled. But without another glance, the secretly flustered girl made her way outside.

It took another 20 minutes, but Takehito walked outside. He blew into his palms, in attempt to warm them up. "You're right, it is cold."

"Shall we?" (Name) offered him her hand and he gladly took it. He placed his other hand in his pocket and glanced warmly at (Name) every once in a while.

"Your hands are so small in mine," he chuckled.

"Yeah, well don't underestimate them. These sweet babies know where it hurt the most." she retorts witty.

Takehito smirked. He was amused about the fact that she was so clueless about his advances towards her. He couldn't really respond to her witty retort and just squeezed her hand with his.

Unbeknownst to him, it made (Name) blush.

Finally, the two arrived at the Cafe and (Name) awkwardly slipped her hand out of his. Takehito didn't mind but felt the absence, resulting in to him quietly placing his hand in his pocket.

The two found a seat directly next to a window and ordered two hot drinks. Whiles waiting, (Name) initiated the conversation.

"So remind me why you always throw water over your head whenever you head to the student council meetings?"

Takehito shrugged. "I can't tell you, sorry."

"Seriously? Still? Okay than what can you tell me?"

The two stared at each other. Then at you.

"Wow, writing fluff isn't as easy as you think it is, isn't it?" (Name) sighed, dropping her head on the cafe table.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I can literally see the author strain for inspiration," Takehito said in sympathy.

They both stand up and bow. "Please forgive author's lack of inspiration and please give her another chance in another oneshot chapter!"

With that they stand up and enjoy their evening in the cuta cafe, talking about everything and anything.


I'm so sorry if this annoyed you, I'm having a difficult time keeping up with things. I'll try to do better next time.

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