Takehito Kumagami x Reader

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This chapter might be very triggering for some readers, I repeat, THIS CHAPTER MIGHT BE VERY TRIGGERING! Please don't read this chapter if you are sensitive, you have been warned.


"(Name).. (Name), wake up."

A young girl, hanging off the ceiling in nothing but her undergarment, stirred awake. Her eyes fluttering open at the mention of her name. She was dazed and tried to remember how she got there.

"Kuma-kun?" She searched for her closest friend. When her eyes spotted his battered self in the dark room she gasped. "Oh no, Kuma-kun!" She struggled against her restraints.

"Don't strain yourself, (Name)-chan..," He breathed, "It will be no use..."

"I won't stop, I can't," your shaky breath whispered. "I'll get us out of here. You just wait," (Name) said determined. She continued to struggle against her chained wrist to no avail.

Kumagami dryly chuckled. He really could use some humor and look at her struggling as funny as she sounded but he didn't want to make her feel violated because of the lack of clothes. "You're.. so stubborn, you know that?" He spoke.

The (e/c) eyed girl stopped and stared at Kumagami's bloody figure. It pained her to see her closest friend suffer. "I can't let us die here, Kuma-kun, -" her voice hitched. Kumagami forced himself not to turn.

"Please don't cry, (Name)-chan. The others will be here soon. I know they will." Kumagami's breathing staggered and he flinched out of the sharp pain in his rib.

"They aren't going to make it.." she breathed.

Kumagami's  heart stuttered. He wished she didn't say it because it would only mean one thing.

"Did.. did you see it?"


"What else did you see?"

"Kumagami, I-I really need to tell you someth-"

"(Name), talk to me please. We can probably change it." The spoken girl's legs twitched at his stern but worried tone.

"I saw... myself die," she whispered. "The building collapsed and... and.." her voice faltered.

The brunette young man's heart stuttered. His breath hitched and his fingers clenched. The silence became so thick, (Name) felt like she was suffocating in it.

"I won't let that happen," Kumagami said. His words laced with promise. More tears ran down the girl's face.

"You can't promise that, Kumagami. I won't let you get hurt. You have people that care for you that will never forgive me for you getting hurt." (Name) sobs continued. She hated her ability. Her visions only showed up when something tragic is about to happen. It was never wrong so far and because of that she loathed it. "I don't have anyone right now. Protecting you would be a major achievement."

"Shut up," he spoke calmly, taking the girl aback. "I won't let it happen."

He slowly arched his neck at the girl, taking in her appearance. Although she was bruised and scratched in many places over her body, she still maintained her beauty. His eyes scanned every curve, shade and shape of her body, making the poor girl blush and her eyes widen. There was no sign of hunger or lust in them, just admiration. Eventually after memorising all that, his eyes met hers.


"You're beautiful, you know that?" Her face grew a few shades deeper. He began fumbling with his restraints but the girl didn't seem to notice. "You truly are. Ever since I found you. I honestly believed we would never be more than schoolmates, but you proved me wrong. Although, you're very annoying at times, you became so much more to me-"

"Kuma-kun, please-"

"And if we weren't in a shitty situation like this, I would have told you differently but," the brunette hesitated. His brown locks falling over his eyes. "(Name), I learned to- "

Tiny crumbles fell from the sealing, cutting Kumagami short. The building began to shake and loud scream of agony could be heard. (Name)'s blood ran cold and she began to sob frantically. There it was.

This was her end.

She closed her eyes and waited for the impact. She was scared. She didn't want to leave Kumagami. She would miss him to much. She loved him.

It all happened so fast.

The ceiling she hung from began to collapse giving, freeing her from her restraints. However, she was not fast enough to react. Suddenly a block collided with her head and the girl was knocked out.  Muscular arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. The sound of flesh tearing rang through the air.

Pain throbbed within (Name)'s temple but she gained consciousness. She believed that it were just mere few minutes for her left, already feeling the warm blood creep around her. Her eyes remained closed.

"(N-n-name)?" A familiar voice choked out. As her name was called, blood splattered on her face.

Her blood ran cold once more and her heart stopped for a split second. She slowly opened her eyes to see the only person she was capable to love deeply hurt. Dying in fact.

"No. No ,no, no, no please, Kuma-kun.." Tears settled in her eyes.

The boy was propping himself up with his arms, preventing him from squishing her as steel pipes stuck out his back and reappeared down his stomach and abdomen, blood slowly dripping on her. He trembled, fighting to look at her for one last time.

"Kuma, why?" She whispered. "It should have been me."

His trembling lips lifted, a small smile playing around them. "I.. l-l-ove.. you."

The girl shook her head.  It shouldn't have ended this way. It should've been her. "It should have been me," she repeated.

Noticing his life was evidently slipping away, he lowered himself enough to graze his bloody lips over hers, pulling her in a gentle kiss. The girl eagerly reacted, knowing it was their first... And last. He then pulled apart.

"I-I love you..." He repeated.

Her eyes begged him to stay, not caring how naïve her request is. Realising something, a weak smirk grew on his face. "I ch-anged ..the fate of y-your vision."

Then reinforcement arrived. His best friend, Shunsuke, was just in time to witness the death of his first and closest friend. (Name) sobbed under him, pulling his lifeless body close and not caring if the sharp edges of the pipes grazed her naked body. No the pain of these scrapes were nothing compared to the one she was feeling now. The pain of losing someone close to you.

His funeral passed. He laid next to several other family members. You visited him every week. Being by his grave side is the closest she felt to him. She would just sit there and stare, once in a while mumbling things she never got to tell him in person. 

"He really cared about you, you know."

(Name) arched her neck to see who spoke. Shunsuke stood behind her. His expression was sad. The girl turned back and sighed.

"I cared about him too. I loved him. I just wish we had a little longer so I could tell him this in person."

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