Author's Note

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THIS IS TO NARUTO FANS, WHEREVER YOU ARE!! ..... Or anyone looking for a new anime story

My apologies if you believed this to be a new story from Charlotte. I'm basically using this note to announce and advertise that I have released a new story called: The Battle of the Cycle of Hatred. 

I'd appreciate it if you gave it a try. 


There is a new book for that one too, called: Finding Motivation! 

It's an OC story and it's an AU and that's as much as I can say. I'd really like it if you checked that out too. 

You may think now: "But who are you to me? I don't owe you anything." 

But trust me, one random act of kindness can give a person so much happiness, you'd be surprised. 

Thank you for taking you time to read this and I hope you have a nice day!! 

- MissAfrika 

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