II saerunkim15 II

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Crooked by saerunkim15

Book of the Year (1st) in the Solo Jimin Category


Best Characters in 2019 Special Awards

1.) What made you decide to make a BTS Fanfiction?

Well, I started off as a reader on Wattpad, I enjoyed alot of fanfictions back when I didn't even know who BTS were. Later when I started liking BTS as a music group, I decided to start writing fanfictions. I just thought there were so many good storylines and plots that were only in my head and I wanted people to enjoy reading them as much as I like imagining them in my mind.

2.) What was your inspiration from your storyline?

The inspiration behind Crooked was actually Deviant by Igotbangtan777 which made me start thinking too much about one question that kept torturing me. I asked my friend hooriyah16 to know whether she would fall in love with someone who had been abused in his childhood and had gone through alot and she said it would be hard but I guess I would because, I want to show him that he is delicate too and that he needs protection too.That line just gave me courage to write crooked and I like how it turned out. I had also seen too much romanticism of mental disorders. I wanted to protray what it's really like being stuck in your own head and tried to be as realistic as possible. Mental disorders or being kidnapped is nothing beautiful. It's dark and frightening.

3.) What message or word of encouragement you might like to share with to your fellow writers?

Don't give up writing just because people aren't noticing your work just yet. I started off with Crooked with literally 3 to 4 readers but I was so happy and I continued writing regardless of the feedback. I wrote because I love writing not because I wanted attention. Don't get yourself in a twist just because you don't have a certain number of followers or readers and please don't try to pull cheap stunts to get attention from recognized writers on Wattpad. It's really annoying and you'll regret it later too. Believe in yourself and use your pen to have an impact on those who read your work.

4.) Can you give a word of advice to your fellow writers in terms of writing a story? or publishing a book?

If you are deciding on writing a book then I'd advice you to write down the theme, characters and storyline in detail before starting the story. Some of the writers write blindly and go in whatever direction their readers want the story to go. You don't have to listen to what the readers want. This is your story. Have control over it. Also, try to improve your Grammer and spellings cause no matter how unfair it seems, everyone appreciates a better written story over a choppy writing style. You can get your story reviewed to improve on the points you are lacking on. And be open for constructive criticism. Prepare yourself mentally that there will be a lot of that and you can't control it or get hurt over it. People are going to criticize but you'll have to keep going.

5.) Last question, how do you personally deal when you've experienced a "Writer's Block"? What do you do?

I personally just wait it out. I don't force myself to write when my mind just shuts down and can't continue. I used to rush things but rushing things just makes it worse. I just wait until my mind gets itself back together and when I do, I turn up with better ideas.

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