II NovaineRose II

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Perpetual Rain by NovaineRose

Runner Up (2nd) in the Solo Taehyung Category


Best Plot in 2019 Special Awards

1.) What made you decide to make a BTS Fanfiction?

I've been writing for upwards of 10 years, normally shared stories online with friends. After getting introduced to BTS, I had a random idea to write a fanfiction for a friend who was also a fan. I wrote that first story and just kinda kept with it. So, it started out as like a gift to someone.

2.) What was your inspiration from your storyline?

I like interesting storylines with man twists and surprises so I knew I wanted something like that. I've always loved the supernatural as well as the ticks the human mind can play on people. During a long car ride during Halloween, it started to sprinkle and an idea just sparked to like. Perpetual Rain was born.

3.) What message or word of encouragement you might like with share to your fellow writers?

With each chapter, you get better. With each story you learn something new. Just keep going.

4.) Can you give a word of advice to your fellow writers in terms of writing a story? or publishing a book?

Don't fear the things that could go wrong or the bad things people might say. Think about what could go right and the good people may say. Think positive.

5.) Last question, how do you personally deal when you've experienced a "Writer's Block"? What do you do?

Normally if my writer's block is bad, I'll take a hot shower or bath and think for a bit. If that doesn't work sometimes I'll stop writing my current story and start dabbling in something completely different when it comes to writing. Your story is very happy and carefree? Switch it up, try and start a second story that's dark and mysterious. It works for me sometimes.

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