II Introverted3xtrovert II

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BTS One Shots - Converse by Introverted3xtrovert 

Runner Up (2nd) in the One Shot Category


Wish by Introverted3xtrovert

Honorable Mention (3rd) in the Solo Jimin Category

1.) What made you decide to make a BTS Fanfiction?

I used to write fanfiction when I was a teenager, but got busy and forgot why I loved it and eventually stopped. Around the time I discovered BTS I also started reading Dramione fanfiction again. While I was looking for stories for that genre I kept running across Blood Ink by pocketbangtan and was super intrigued. I read what was up so far of Blood Ink and then I started reading other BTS ff and it wasn't until I found Kitties and Cupcakes by Born2beSad that I really decided I wanted to write ff again, specifically BTS ff.

2.) What was your inspiration from your storyline?

Honestly? I was sitting at farmera market and the idea of Jimin as a genie just would not get out of my head. I ended up messaging one of my author friends and brainstorming about half of the plot for Wish. That was in June. I didn't start writing it until December after much encouragement and brainstorming with Born2beSad.

3.) What message or word of encouragement you might like to share with to your fellow writers?

Write the story that YOU would enjoy reading. Don't worry about if the readers are going to like your idea or not. If you like what you're writing then odds are your readers will, too. Also, if your story starts to do something you weren't planning on, don't try to force it. Some of people's favorite scenes in Wish were scenes I hadn't planned on, but just happened when I was writing.

4.) Can you give a word of advice to your fellow writers in terms of writing a story? or publishing a book?

Don't stop writing. Even if you kind of hate a chapter that you wrote, keep writing. Find a friend that you can discuss your writing with or that would be willing to read your stuff before you publish it. You look at your work all the time, so of course you'll be more critical of it. A friend won't be looking for what's wrong with it (though it helps a lot if they catch errors for you to fix) they're just reading it for enjoyment.

5.) Last question, how do you personally deal when you've experienced a "Writer's Block"? What do you do?

I do something else for a while. I'll listen to music, read, or watch a show, and if after all that I'm still feeling blocked I message a couple of my friends here and see what they suggest. A lot of times, the advice is to just push through and try to write anyway.

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