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Third Person POV

"Wait, a the-" Before Midoriya could even ask, the ground started to shake, the ink started to bubble at the area where Dory was. Dory muttered some words and closed her eyes, well, technically, and did some weird movements with her hands.

Everyone's jaws dropped, well except for those who kept those cold or angry expressions, like Aizawa, Bakugo, etc

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Everyone's jaws dropped, well except for those who kept those cold or angry expressions, like Aizawa, Bakugo, etc. Cementoss was especially astonished, since he could make a theater as well, but can't provide the screens and lights and stuff. "You like it?" Dory turned around to look at us and T-Posed to show her theater.

"Alright, if you want your questions asked, or you just wanna watch your counterparts, come on in!" Dory marched inside while the others were chatting.

"Should we really trust her?" Midoriya and a few other students asked. Nezu spoke up, "Hm, she did say that we had, counterparts?". "Counterparts?" Mandalay asked. "Cou-" Nezu got interrupted by the sound of shouting inside the theater. "Oi! Are you guys coming or what?!" Dory yelled.

Each one of them looked at each other, waiting if one of them trusts her. Then the sound of walking was heard from Aizawa. "Well, there's not much to do here so why not?" he said, tempting the others to follow him inside.

All of them were met with a big lobby, with vending machines, popcorn, candy, and more. Without hesitating, they gathered some snacks to bring with them, while Dory watched from afar in a hallway. "Ooh! This is going to be so much fun!" She threw a somewhat psychotic grin, but noticed some looks from the others and dropped the smile.

"So, we're all ready?" She asked, looking at the mob of people crowding Dory. "Yes, but, what are we watching?" All Might asked, hands full of snacks. "Ah, multiple versions of you guys!" Dory threw her hands up and clapped in excitement. "Wait, there are other versions of ourselves?" Midoriya asked, slurping a slushee.

"Yupity, yup! Some are violent, dark, and depressing, while others are fun, interesting and even romantic!" She guided them to the double door at the end of the hallway. "Between each multiverse, you can go into the restrooms that are right next to the doors!" She points to doors at each side of walls, having pictures of a woman and a man.

"So anyone need to go?" Dory turned back to face their faces, some were dying to go to the restrooms. A few 'me's were heard amongst the crowd and proceeded to go through their respective restrooms. "If needed, I will take some people out of the room to shield their eyes of the screen." She points to a room across the hallway, not too far from them.

"And why's that?" Some students in the crowd asked. Dory averted her eyes away and gritted her teeth. "Ehh, let's just say some of these aren't, appropriate.." Dory proceeded to open the doors, letting them in.

The floor was covered with bean bags, comfortable chairs and couches, tables, things like that. It was a small room, but it held a large screen at the front. The group spread out amongst the room, some sitting in the bean bags, on the floor, the chairs, and the couches.

"Whoo! I'm pumped for the first one!" Dory pumped her fist in the air as she sat at the front and held some popcorn and a grape slushee in her arms. "Hm? Is it a favorite to you?" Uraraka asked, sitting next to her. "Yup! But it's, uh actually sad when you get deeper into it. But don't worry, psh, we're only going to hear the first song!" Dory reassured, waving my arms indicating the worryness.

"Song?" Jiro asked, taking a liking to it already. "Yeah! It's actually a musical. Pretty historic, but it's mostly rap!" Dory pointed her index finger up in the air. "Now I'm not throwing away my shot!" She snaps her fingers as the screen turns on.

BNHA and The Multiverse Theater! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now