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Features straight ships!
(Please keep hateful comments to yourself)
Catherine of Aragon - Uraraka
Anne Boleyn - Toga
Jane Seymour - Melissa Shield
Anne of Cleves - Momo
Katherine Howard - Mina
Catherine Parr - Jiro
Henry the 8th - Deku (mentioned)

(_ _).。o○

The same turquoise portal opened up on a wall and out popped a small Dory. "You're back! Are you alright?" Some people asked. She still had her bored mouth, but gave a thumbs up.

"Yeah, got an audition for choir stuff in the way as well." Dory smirked. "Wait, but, weren't you sick?" Deku asked. "Oh, at my world, time speeds up more than this one." Dory replied, while closing the portal with the cube. "It's also..."

"Christmas!" She jumped into the air, and floated towards the trio. "So, how's it been taking care of these children?" Dory asked eagerly like a child. "Thought it'll be harder." Dialga replies quickly.

"Ah. Classic Dialga." Dory giggles and floated towards the ground. "You guys can go back to the Hall of Origin now." The trio nodded and teleported to that location.

"What's tha-" Kaminari got interrupted. "NOPE! Alright, time for the next multiverse." Dory yelled.

"This is a musical once again! But, stating about some UK History into it.." Dory pointed.

"Also, shows girl power and shitty love stories." Dory clapped her hands, with confusing faces behind her.

The scene shows that it takes place in a concert, lighting up. Six women were on the stage, backs towards the audience.

"They look hot!" Mineta shouted. "Shut it, you bullshit of a grape." Dory groaned. He grew silent.

The spotlight goes on the first woman. "Divorced!" She raised her hand up.

"Well that escalated quickly." Some adults muttered.

The spotlight then shines on the next one. "Beheaded." She mimicked her head chopped off.

"Woah. Ok, um, that went onto another level." Some of the students gawked. "Should Eri and Kota be really seeing this?" Aizawa asked, sternly.

"No, nothing inappropriate, as long as you don't tell them." Dory replied from the front.

Then the third woman. "Died." Her hand was up straight. The spotlight shines on the three of them, and clicks off.

"Ok, is something wrong with them or like?" The Bakusquad asked curiously.

Then it shines on the fourth. "Divorced!" Same gimmick as the first.

"Beheaded." This one laid her hand on her face.

"Survived." The woman raised her fist up in the air.

"Well, there's the main character." Some spoke, some were caught off guard.

Then they all turn around, getting into their formation. "And tonight, divorced or beheaded, we are..!" The first woman, now seen as Uraraka, or Catherine of Aragon.

BNHA and The Multiverse Theater! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now