four ➵

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the first week of school had passed quickly. zayn was proud ithat he had made it through the week, only getting lost twice. most everyone at the high school paid no attention to zayn, which was how zayn liked it. unlike junior high, the freshman, were left alone. sophomores, juniors, and seniors could care less about anyone but their friends. zayn liked the fact that he was ignored (sometimes it was embarrasing though, like when they did partner activities) because it meant that he wasn't being bullied and he was able to just sit and read.

the only time zayn didn't mind being alone was when he was with liam. liam was hilarious and even though zayn hated his laugh, he didn't mind laughing along with liam. everyday at lunch liam would sit with zayn in the courtyard, under the shade of the big weeping willow. zayn would stare at liam like he was god while liam would do things like help zayn with homework or tell him about a funny show he watched that night.

junior high wasn't a pleasure for zayn, especially after liam left to go to high school (zayn had dreaded liam moving schools a year before him ever since he started junior high). no one was nice to him. zayn was bullied a lot and didn't know how to deal with all the pain he felt, so he simply skipped classes.

but high school, high school was fairly nice. the campus was giant and the classes were confusing, but zayn would take that over being punched or pushed anyday.


zayn and liam were currently sitting at liam's house in his kitchen, eating ice cream. zayn loved liam's house. his parents were kind and liam's dog, rocco, was really nice. he didn't like going home to his papa who would pat his back way too hard and grab his arm a little too tightly. zayn was scared of his papa, scared of being yelled at for liking art and not football, scared that his papa would be drunk again.

"can you spend the night?" liam asked, finishing his bowl of ice cream and taking it to the sink.

zayn nodded, "probably." he said quietly. "i need to go ask dad.."

"i'll go with you." liam suggested. he watched as zayn set his bowl in the sink, cringing when the glass made a loud sound against another dish.

zayn and liam walked as close as possible to eachother as they walked across the street to zayn's house. zayn held the door for liam before walking in, shutting the door behind himself.

"dad?" zayn called, "liam's here!"

zayn always said that liam was with him when he was. his papa was nicer when someone was with zayn. he felt as though liam was his protector. zayn often wondered if it was wrong to think of your guy bestfriend as a protector, but the thought went away almost as soon as it came up.

zayn's father walked downstairs, clearly tipsy. he nodded a greeting at liam before staring zayn up and down. zayn swallowed hard, pulling his shirt sleeves down before wrapping his arms around himself. he hated how his father would study him like that- it made zayn feel ugly.

"what d'you want?" zayn's father asked, siting down at the couch.

"i-i, er, l-liam wanted me to spend the night?" zayn whispered, glancing up at father quickly then looking back at his tattered shoes.

liam brushed his hand agaisnt zayn's; a small movement that zayn's father didn't notice, but zayn did. it made zayn feel more comfortable and safe.

"could he please, sir?" liam asked again, "my mother already said it was alright."

zayn's father grunted before nodding. zayn bit his lip to fight back a smile and led liam upstairs quickly so he could pack a bag to take.

liam sat on zayn's bed as zayn rushed around his room to find clothes to pack. zayn opened a drawer beside his bed, pulling out a phone cord and then leaving it open as he went to shove the charger into his bag.

liam looked over in the drawer and his eyes widen at what he saw. four razor blades taken apart from a shaving razor, the broken razor beside them. he looked at zayn and then back at the blades.

"zayn..?" liam said quietly, taking his eyes off of the razor.

zayn hummed in response, zipping up his back pack. "yeah?"

"what's this?" liam pointed to the broken razor and blades.

zayn walked over and peaked into the drawer. his heart stopped for a second. he had forgotten about those. "o-oh, it's not what you think it is."

liam raised an eyebrow. not what i think it is? he thought. then what is it?!

"i read about dealing with stress and i-i came across this thing about using them and-" zayn was cut off by liam.

"you didn't cut yourself did you zayn!" liam questioned, his heart starting to race. how could zayn ever hurt himself?

"no, no!" zayn's eyes widen, "no, i promise, i didn't! i was too scared." he admitted.

liam let out a deep breath, "promise?"

"promise." zayn said truthfully, "you can even take them and throw them away if you don't believe me."

"i believe you, zee. but i'm still gonna throw them away." liam nodded, picking up the broken razor. zayn nodded back in agreement and pulled liam into a hug.

"i would never." zayn whispered.

"i know, zee, i know." liam responded giving his friend a quick hug back. "let's just go to my house and we can make dinner and watch movies, yeah?"

"yeah." zayn agreed, smiling softly.

thank god liam didn't question me anymore about those blades, zayn said to himself.


merp, chapter 4 is here. 1033 words, thats good for me haha.

and american tv is strange, lmao. "if you experience a erection for more than 4 hours seek medical help."

thanks for the tips, narrator lady.

but i am loving my college and my roomates are great! but i miss my girlfriend ): i love you, reily!

sorry, anyways, hope you enjoyed <3

-rylnn xx

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