1. Meeting my mom's boyfriend

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I was running like a crazy person in the school hallway because I was getting late for my first class. Today, my dumb ass woke up late due to my habit of binge-watching all the episodes of Korean drama in one night, and because of that, I slept around 2 a.m. and woke up at 7:25 a.m. and my school starts at 8:00 a.m. I'm glad that mom drops me off but I'm still late. I only have 3 minutes to reach my first class or else, I will probably have detention.

I was running fast but when the corner came, I turned left at full speed without slowing down and got bumped into something and fell on the floor.

Y/N: Ahhh...

I wince in pain as my butt hit the hard floor.

??: WTF! watch where you are going b*tch!!

I heard someone's angry voice, so I suddenly looked up to see none other than angry V looking down at me with furious eyes.

FML! Can my day get any worse?! I thought to myself.

Y/N: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, I was in a hurry and I didn't saw you coming.

I quickly said in nervousness. He was one of the popular bad boys. He and his other six brothers are the kings of this school. They practically run everything here. They are known as BTS. They are the biggest troublemakers. They fight, they bully, they prank, and they play with people who get on their bad sides. So, half of the school population choose to stay away from them for their safety and the other half want to be their friends, especially girls because they are handsome, rich and cool. But my friends and I knew better to stay far away from them so that our high school life stays peaceful.

V: I'll let you go this time but if I see your face ever again, I will destroy you.

He spat words full of venom and left the hallway.

I sigh...

Grate. Now I am late. Mrs. Lee going to kill me!

I then quickly stood up and started running toward my class again, being careful not to bump into someone again. When I reached class, I quietly entered my classroom, but Mrs. Lee saw me and gave me the nastiest death glare.

Mrs. Lee: You are 2 mins late!

She stated angrily. She hates it when students are late in her class, even by second. That's why I always come on time for her class but today because of that little incident I got late.

Y/N: Sorry Mrs. Lee, this won't happen again.

I plead.

Mrs. Lee: Detention after school. Now go and take your sit.

She then continued started writing on her whiteboard. I quickly took sit beside my best friend, Lisa.

Lisa: Why are you late?

She whispered.

Y/N: I'll tell you later.

I whispered back and started coping words from whiteboard to my notebook.

---lunchtime in cafeteria---

Lisa and I finally arrived at our lunch table in the cafeteria after finishing four dreadful classes. Our table was placed at the end of the cafeteria, away from popular groups, so that we can have our fun time without those people's interruption. I took my seat and started waiting for my other three friends.

Lisa: So why were you late today Y/N?

Y/N: Ugh... I don't wanna talk about that.

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