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Kai: I hope we can become friends.

I stayed frozen but other girls started whispering with each other about how cute or hot he looked. Also, some girls started to give him a flirtatious smile while trying to get his attention but his eyes were only on me.

I gulped and looked down on the desk's surface frantically, avoiding his eyes.

What is he doing here?!

Seeing him standing in front of my class made my stomach clench in knots. All buried emotions were now started surfacing. I feel like I was ready to explode with anger but at the same time, I felt like crying loudly in agony.

I didn't know that I was still affected by his presence, after these many months. I thought I was over him, but I guess I am not. I can feel my anger growing inside me at the fact that he cheated on me. I gave him all of me, I loved him with my whole heart, but he broke it into little pieces by making out with one of our classmates at the party—in front of me.

Teacher: You can sit beside Sid.

He walked up to me and took a seat beside me, well it was not technically beside me because we had space between us. He was sitting in the second row while I was sitting in the third row.

I can feel his eyes on me as he took his seat so I kept my eyes glued to the desk. The teacher started teaching but I couldn't concentrate on her because my mind kept playing memories of me and him. We were perfect for each other. I even thought that he was my soulmate, but I guess I was dead wrong. He played me. He played with my heart.

How can he?

I turned my face to the side to look at him with hatred but surprisingly he was looking back at me with eyes filled with...love.

My stomach did flip inside when I looked at that face. I should hate him, but my stupid heart started to beat crazily when I saw him looking at me like that. So I quickly turned and looked at the whiteboard in front.

But now I can feel someone else's eyes on me, so I looked at my other side and noticed Jungkook. He was looking—no actually glaring in my direction but not at me but at Kai. It looked like his eyes were boring holes in Kai's face.

It sent a shiver down my spine because his warm face was long gone and instead his psycho face was there. He had cold-blooded eyes of... um, a serial killer? I lightly tap at his forearm to get his attention. His emotionless eyes snapped at me but when he noticed my face, his dark eyes quickly changed into a kind and familiar one as he looked at me with a questioning look.

Y/N: What happened?

I whispered.

JK: Nothing.

He then started to concentrate on a whiteboard at the front.

Y/N: I saw you glaring at a new student.

He looked at me but this time with a serious face.

JK: I think he is the one who is stalking you.

His voice was low and rough, filled with anger.

My eyes widen and I quickly snapped my neck to see Kai. This time he was looking at a whiteboard, thankfully.

Is he the one sending me those things? I asked myself.

No, that can't be him. I don't think it is him because he never loved me, or anything so why would he send it to me? But then why is he here?

His eyes turned in my direction. When our eyes met, I quickly moved my eyes to my notebook. I don't know why but I just can't look at him. But I HAVE to talk to him, to see if he's the one who sent me that flower and gift. I need to clear things out first or else Jungkook will do something to him...something that will involve breaking bones and nose.

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