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RM growl when he saw the recording of Y/N getting bullied on TV. When the video finished, Jungkook stood up and disconnect his phone from TV.

Jin: I f*cking want to kill those b*tches!

Jungkook: I want their blood too. They f*ucking messed with Y/N.

RM: Jimin, did you find information about them?

Jimin: Yes I did. Girl in red, her name is Maya. She is the daughter of the CEO. Girl in pink shorts, her name is Jenna. Her dad owns three hotels. And the third one, her name is Torrey and her dad owns Casinos.

J-hope: So what are we going to do?

Jungkook: Kill them, simple.

Suga: No, we can't kill them.

V: Why not?

RM: If they die then people will point fingers at Y/N or us.

Jin: Also, dying will be an easy way out for them. I want them to suffer.

Everyone started to think about the punishment in the living room. They were really angry at the fact that someone tried to mess with their family members even after knowing that they are the people you should never mess with.

J-hope: Should we kidnap them and torture them?

When Jungkook heard "torture" he quickly chimed in with J-hope because there was no way he will let those girls go without spilling their blood.

Jungkook: Yeah! That way at lease I will satisfy my demon.

Suga: Control your f*cking bloodthirst, kookie.

RM: Yeah. Don't forget it involves Y/N so we have to do something that requires less blood and more suffering.

They started discussing with each other. RM told them about his plan of how he will make those girls' families suffer. Others agreed with him but they still weren't satisfied with it so they started to think about other punishments for those girls.

But they stopped when they heard footsteps upstairs. In a few seconds, they saw Y/N coming down with her long face but when she saw them in the living room, she awkwardly smiled at them.

Y/N: Hi...

She said it awkwardly when they all stared at her with weird facial expressions. 

Y/N: Um, I was just going to the kitchen. You guys carry on with your discussion.

She quickly said it and started walking because she felt like she was disrupting their serious conversation by entering the living room.

Jin: Why didn't you call me, princess?

She turned around and gave him a confusing look.

Y/N: Huh?

Jin: Didn't I told you to call me if you need anything.

RM: Yeah, it will take long to heal your knees if you keep walking like this.

They said it with a serious face.

Y/N: Oh, don't worry. It's not hurting anymore.

She turned around and started walking toward the kitchen. 

For some reason, she just wanted to get out of the living room as quick as possible because the atmosphere of the living room felt heavy to her. Maybe because of the way they were all looking at her or maybe because she was feeling ashamed of herself to face all seven of them together for the first time after the bullying incident.

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