25. Dinner goes wrong

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This is going to be quite an experience.

We arrived at some expensive restaurant where my poor-ass has never been before. When we entered, girl in a black-uniformed bowed at us and started leading us to our sitting place. As we entered a grand dining area, I noticed that many people were dining in casual business attire. And here I was, wearing jeans, a maroon top and a black hoodie. I am defiantly underdressed for this place.

I took out a hoodie as we continued walking because without a hoodie, I will look a little more decent. I didn't know beforehand that we were going to fancy-ass restaurants. I thought we would go to KFC, McDonald's or some average restaurant because my dumb mind forgot that I live with rich people, who hang out at expensive places.

As we walk further in, I saw some people staring at us. Some gave a nod to BTS and BTS returned, while some looked at us with curiosity, especially me. I can feel their judgy eyes looking at me up and down. I suddenly felt like out of place. I slowed down so that Jin, Jimin, J-hope can walk ahead, and I can hide behind them.

RM: Y/N, you alright?

He asked from beside.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm good.

I replied with a smile and looked at the floor as we walked toward the dimmer hallway.

RM: Let me take that hoodie from you.

Y/N: It's alright.

He didn't listen and grabbed the hoodie from my hold.

Y/N: Thank you.

He gave me a dimpled smile and nodded.

We walked into a separated room. This room was as big as our dining room, with a fancy interior. We settled ourselves in and started going through a menu.

I directly went for the burger section because I'm basic b*tch and I knew, a place like this has many weird expensive dishes with unfamiliar names. So, to be on the safe side and to spend money wisely, a burger is the best option for me. So, I started scanning the burger's section.

What! 150$ for a damn burger!!!

Is this a joke?!

I looked at my brothers, they all looked unfazed by price. I guess they are used to this madness. But I can't spend this much on freaking BURGER. I'm broke. I only have $700 in my bank account from the previous job.

I need to find a job quickly if I'm gonna stay with these rich people. I made a note to myself. I involuntarily sighed and started looking for a cheaper dish.

Finally! $48 for...

I slowly moved my index finger left to see the name of the dish: Beet salad.

BEET SALAD for 48 dollars! Why it's so costly, it's just a salad.

This one was the only dish that was cheap on the menu. But I don't like beet that much and I have never eaten a salad before. I don't know if I should order this.

Y/N, it's good for your health. My conscience said.

My conscience is right, I do want fit body so I should order this...Um, but what if it is not good.

Your mouth may don't like it, but your body will definitely love it. My stupid conscience said again.


I order beet salad while others were still busy looking at the menu. So, to pass time, I started going through Instagram.


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