24. Drama for Life

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At home:

I was sitting on the bed doing my math homework. Well, trying to do my homework but seems like my mind doesn't wanna help. I have been trying to solve this one logarithmic equation for half an hour, but I can't seem to find any clue on where to start.

Because my mind kept thinking about what kind of family I'm related to. They say my life is in danger. Is this for real? Is this some kind of movie? Because we always see this type of thing happening in movies where rich people hurt other people for money and power. But never heard this thing happing in real life.

Do people really hurt others for their business? Is my life and mom's life really in danger, just because of some business feud? This doesn't seem real. But I guess this is real...

Right now, my life seems perfect for a movie story. Rich and powerful dad, check. Popular and overprotective brothers, check. Stalker for antagonist role, check...See, the perfect setting for a movie.

So, does that mean I'm the heroine of this movie? Okay, then who is a hero? Kai? No, he can't be the hero. As my brothers say, "he's suspicious", and because of that, I stayed far away from Kai for the whole day. So, he's out, from a hero role.

Then who is my knight in shining armour?

I started to dream about a face-hidden guy riding a motorcycle, coming to rescue me from a killer stalker. He then beat that stalker and—

Yah!! Stop f*cking dreaming! This is a real deal! My conscious yelled.

I slapped my cheeks a few times to wake myself up from a stupid imagination.

Damn, Y/N! This is not a joke! So, stop f*cking imagining sh*t!

I need to be serious. This no joke. This is real. Mom and I can die in Kim's business war. I need to do something.

I stood up and marched toward Suga's bedroom. I impatiently knocked on his door, but no reply. I knocked again.

Y/N: Yoongi Oppa!

Still no reply. Is he even in there?

Y/N: Oppa!

I put my ear on the door, trying to listen to any sound in his room but I heard nothing.

Y/N: Oppa!

I again put my ear on the door but heard nothing. I heavily sighed.

Y/N: Are you really gonna treat your one and only sister like this?

I whispered with an exaggerated sad voice. I then overdramatically turned around and said.

Y/N: I even shared my pizza with you, and this is how you repay me?!

I fakely sniff.

Y/N: You can't even give me a small reply?

I turned around and placed my forehead on Suga's bedroom door.

Y/N: Please opened the door. Your sister needs you right now.

I made some fake crying noises and waited for his reply. I heard nothing so I finally decide to do a musical scene.

Y/N: ~Say something, I'm giving up on you~

I started to sing.

Y/N: ~I'll be the one if you want me to~

I then dramatically turned around and took a few dramatic steps like Disney princesses while singing.

Y/N: ~Anywhere, I would've followed you. Say something—

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