Chapter 11 - The Feather and the Arrow

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By daybreak Link and Zelda were already packed and ready for their trek back to Kakariko. Any day now they should be hearing word back from the Great Houses of Hyrule, which meant Zelda would be needing to hurry back to prepare for what was to come, good or ill.

Though it was already past mid-morning when the pair woke, Zelda felt the need to have one more quick word with the zora king on an important matter before the two travelers left the Domain.

"I still have to speak with Dorephan about the Moon Pearl to find out what he knows about it. If he's even heard of such a thing, that is," Zelda remarked to Link.

A few moments passed without any response from her knight, and the princess turned to find out what was wrong. It was then she saw him struggling to carry all their packs and belongings as they left their room. She must have been so preoccupied with her plans for the morning that it slipped her mind with regard to just how much they had to carry. During their stay, the zora had gifted her a great number of things, and she would be taking a great deal more of such back to Kakariko.

"Oh, dear! I'm sorry, Link. I didn't notice I was bringing back so much. I thought I packed light," she apologized as she made her way to grab some items from out of his arms.

"This is what you call packing light?" Link replied, trying to balance the packs and assorted gear that towered over him as he trailed behind her. He couldn't even see where he was walking, forced to follow steps according to Zelda's voice as she spoke to him. Many of the items were trinkets, more or less, such as the sets of Hylian-zora garments, as well as a variety of ointments and fine oils that princess dearly enjoyed. Other than those, Link also bore a chest given to the pair of them by the Gerudo, which held a formidable amount of precious gemstones and other riches from the desert - wealth that would be sorely needed to fund the rebuilding of the capital when the time came.

Zelda giggled, because he was right to be so sarcastic, after all. She could tell that much when she saw him struggle to hold the chest with one hand, all the while precariously holding four thatched crates stacked on top of each other with a sack on top in his other arm. And that was to say nothing of the backpacks, plural, strapped to him.

"Here, let me help," the princess insisted. He pulled away as she made her way to him.

"I've got it, don't worry," he coolly responded, maneuvering his face against the crates to keep them upright in front of him.

"Link, you look ridiculous trying to carry all of that! Please, let me help you," Zelda demanded more firmly, trying futilely to offer assistance even as he dodged her attempts to grab one of the crates. Before she could manage to finally get hold of one, the two were interrupted.

"You need a hand there, friend?" a voice was heard saying from around the bend of the hallway of their room. It was Sidon, the happy-go-lucky prince himself. Before Link could protest otherwise, the large zora had snatched two of the crates the hylian carried above his head.

"Don't worry, Link. I'll make sure we have a wagon for us to use before we make our way," Sidon said.

"Thank you, Sidon. Yes, I don't believe the two horses we brought would be able to carry these along their backs," Zelda concurred, cupping her chin as she abashedly realized just how much extra belongings they had now.

"Also, I must speak with your father one last time," Zelda asked the tall prince, humbly rubbing the back of her long, flowing blond hair. "If that is alright, of course?"

"Certainly!" he replied with a warm smile. "You are the princess of Hyrule; you don't need to ask permission here. I'm sure he will be more than willing to have another audience with you."

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