New Rivals

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Marina's P.O.V

Its been three very awesome days with boys and Eleanor. We have been just hanging out at the house playing games, watching 'movies', singing and getting to know each other. I even watched YouTube videos of the boys that Elle wanted to show me. Living like a human was fabulous and sometimes I even forgot I wasn't until Sasha started talking in my head. That brought me down to earth real quick. Right now me, Eleanor, and Harry are cooking a big dinner because Niall demanded it. Me and Elle are making the salad while Harry made the lasagna.

"So I was wondering how you are going to decide if you want to be in One Direction or not." Eleanor said breaking the comfortable silence we had.

"I don't really know it all depends on the events that lie ahead" I said thinking about when my father actually finds me what happen "...I mean I really really want to be apart of this. I don't think I could do it by myself." I finished while tossing the lettuce into a big bowl. I moved onto the tomatoes.

"Well I think you should. You bring something new to the table. My boys were spectacular before but with you they would be phenomenal. Just imagine they wouldn't get stuck in the 'boyband' stereotype. Plus think of all the guy fans you guys would bring. They would be screaming 'Mari Mari give meh sum of yah gravey!'" She said in a manly voice. We all burst out laughing knowing exactly what she was talking about. That Chatty Man interview was hilarious! Harry put the pan in the oven just as we finished the salad. He said it was going to take a long while for it to finish and told us we should go to the bakery and get garlic bread.

"That's a fabulous idea Harry! It will finally give us girls some alone time! Come on Mar Mar!" She exclaimed dragging me out the kitchen into the foyer. I slipped Zayn's high tops on walk to the living room where all the guys were playing a card game called 'poker'.

"Stop trying to look at my cards ya cheata" Niall said looking at Lou. He was just smirking like he couldn't hear Niall's protest.

"Whateva I still know your bluffin' Lil' Leprechaun." I can't believe these guys are 19, 20 years old!

"Guys me and Eleanor are going to get some food we'll be back in a little while." I told them slipping on one of Zayn's coats as well. They all locked up from their game.

"Do you want us to call Paul or something in case our fans become....overwhelming." Liam asked pulling out his phone.

"No we'll be fine! I want some alone time with my new friend!" El said taking the words right out of my mouth then dragging me out the front door before the boys could protest. It was around four in the afternoon and the weather was kind of good. Not to cold but not hot hot. I got into Eleanor's black automobile and we took off to town.

*****20 minutes*****

After a short time of small talk we arrived in a park? Wait...

"Why are we here?" I asked her confused.

"Just wanted to talk." She said in a serious tone but gave me heartwarming smile. Did she know? No there's no way. Nobody had even mentioned a word about anything supernatural. Mostly thanks to the silencing seal. So what could she possible be talking about.

"About what?" I laughed nervously.

"Alesana..." My heart jerked at hearing her name.

"How d-did you kn-ow?"" I said tears threatening to spill from eyes.

"I'm sorry but last night you left your song book on the couch and could help myself. I'm so sorry I didn't think that it was going to be a big deal. And..and" I couldn't stop the tears as images I was hoping that got locked away forever flashed in my brain. All the blood. It was everywhere all over my hands and legs her tiny tiny body laying there unmoving, lifeless. Even though I knew it would happen nothing and I mean nothing could prepared me for real cause it was so sudden. One day she was there in my belly and the next she wasn't. It felt like ripped a piece of my heart out. The pain might have dulled over the past couple of years, but it was still there. Eleanor pulled me into a tight side hug wiping away my flowing tears.

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