Chapter 4

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As you struggled to button your jeans on the bed, the buttons on your shirt started to pop off as well. You had gained weight, but not in a bad way. Your breasts had finally came in and you thought they were huge compared to your smaller frame. Along with new boobs, you gained a butt too. None of your clothes fit, aside from your oversized jackets and hoodies.
"Mommmmm!" You could hear her running up the steps and her silent chuckle as she saw you struggling, "that doesn't fit either?"
"No mom! Why did I grow so much in 2 months. I look like you!"
She started to laugh more and shrugged, "Hey it happened to me too. But you're just a late bloomer. How about I get daddy's credit card and we get some shopping done. You're going to need new school uniforms too."
You nodded and threw on some sweatpants and an oversized hoodie before heading outside to wait for her. Chanyeol was on his porch, strumming a guitar, which lead you over to see him. As you say next to him, he started to sing to you, "I missed youuuu. Why were you gone so longggggg?! What are you doing nowwww? Can I comeeeee?" You started to giggle and shook your head, "just going clothes shopping. It's going to be boring." He sighed and continued to strum the guitar, "but I need new pantsssss...I grew 3 more inchessss..." You burst out laughing and let out an exasperated "fineeeeee-nah!"

Once at the mall, you notice how Chanyeol kept staring at you, "what?!"
"Did you gain weight? Like your face looks different. Like not bad but different."
"A gained a little yea."
"Chanyeol you don't ask a lady if she gained weight!!!" Your mom interjected. You both laughed as you entered the uniform store. Your mom picked the sizes and had you try them on. Almost every skirt was too high in the back and the shirts would barely button.
"I feel like a hentai girl!" You yelled out. Chanyeol laughed while your mom found more sizes. You came out the dressing room and Chanyeol started to gawk at you.
"What?! Stop staring at me. I know I'm fat."
"No you're not. You just look really different. What did you eat?!?"
You started to laugh before going back in the room. You settled on a less than flattering uniform so you wouldn't cause too much attention.

After you both finished shopping, Chanyeol came over for dinner and to hang out. As you laid in bed, you noticed he was further away from you than usual, "what? I only bite when I'm hungry. And we just ate." He shook his head and moved even further away and you went to tickle him, "why are you being weird?!?" He giggled as he pinned your hand down from his sides and shook his head, "I should go. It's getting late."
You started to pout and grabbed his wrist, "walk with me to school tomorrow. It's the first day of our junior year yanno..."
He nodded and swallowed back, looking completely nervous about something on his mind. You squint your eyes at him and he exhales before leaning in to kiss your cheek. You could see his pale skin get redder by the second and decided to make a move. You placed your hand on his cheek, leaning in to kiss him softly on his lips. His hands roamed down your body as the kisses became more aggressive. His tongue entered your mouth and you let your body take over, sucking his kisses slowly. He squeezed on your waist as he pulled you into him. You found yourself straddling his lap while his kiss moved down your neck and chest. You knew you had to stop this before it went too far and you didn't want to get caught by your parents. As you grabbed his face, you gave him one last kiss on lips before whispering on them, "let me walk you home."

The next morning, you decided to straighten your hair and wear your contacts instead of your glasses. You applied light foundation and some blush with a touch of lip gloss. You felt girlier than ever, even though you covered your new body with an oversized hoodie. As you walked outside, Chanyeol was waiting at your fence eating an apple. He opened the gate for you before waving to your parents and walking next to you. As you exited your neighborhood, you felt his pinky grab yours, before he used the rest of his hand to interlock your fingers. You looked up at him and finally broke the silence,
"I like you. A lot. I have since like 8th grade."
"Only 8th grade? I've liked you since you were 6..."
"Why didn't you just say it? I've been holding this in for so long."
"I was afraid of losing you."
You stopped walking to look up at him as he smiled. You couldn't help how gorgeous he looked in that moment. You grabbed the back of his neck to bring him in for a kiss when you felt his hands press your shoulders to stop you, "not here."
You looked at him confused as he started to walk towards the school. He found his group of football teammates and left with them as you continued on to the art studio. You couldn't help to feel a deep feeling in your gut that he was embarrassed by you since he wouldn't kiss you earlier. Just last night, he was all over you and today you couldn't get a hold of him at all.

At lunch, you decided to go to the cafeteria and buy food instead of a packed lunch in the studio. As you waited in line, a group of girls came behind you and one tapped your shoulder; it was Ashley.
"Your hair looks pretty today."
You turned your lip up at her and rolled your eyes as you went back to looking forward, "I'm serious. You look cute. Even though your uniform is way too big. You should let me help you out."
"Why? You haven't wanted to help me since I've been here."
"Well, I do now. Come over after school."
You couldn't help to feel like this was a huge set up but you decided to go with it. As you grabbed your tray, the girls led you to their table to chat you up. Chanyeol walked past with his teammates, being super rowdy, until he noticed you at the table. He looked confused and you shrugged at him before smiling. As he approached, Ashley stood up to greet him, "hey boo. Miss me?" The other girls start to chime in with their pet names for him before he grabs your arm, "can I talk to you?"
As you stood up, Ashley grabbed your other arm and smiled, "Channie she's hanging out with us now. Why you being so rude?"
"Let her go. I know you don't really want to hang out with her."
"Why is that? Don't want her to know about our summer together?" Your puzzled expression matched his shocked one and you shrugged both of them off, "thanks for lunch. I'll pass on hanging out tonight Ashley." She started to giggle as you walked off, Chanyeol following close behind, "Hey. Can you stop? Can we talk about this?"
You stopped once you got to your locker and let a tear fall from your eye, "why do you keep playing with me? If you want her, have her. Just stop getting my hopes up."
"I don't want her. I just...she gave me head over the summer."
"Whhhaaaatttt? So after she literally pushed me in the mud and I had to punch her, you allowed her to still touch you? Like do you care about me at all or is it just about sex for you?"
He sighed, "no it's not like that. She just always catches me at the wrong time. I was so lonely without you."
"So what's going to happen if I go to another school. Or want to take a trip next year? How am I supposed to even trust you won't fuck ever girl in this school?"
"I'm not fucking anyone. It was just head."
"Was last night just a kiss? Or was it more Chanyeol?"
He started to look down and fidget before answering, "it was everything to me."
"So why are you embarrassed of me? Why won't you just decide what you want with me?"
He started to shrug and go into his shy stance where he typically runs away from his problem. You huffed, slamming your locker before walking away from him.

The next day, you decided to stop caring about everything. You put on a fitted uniform, unbuttoning the top buttons on your shirt to show your new cleavage. You wore a skirt, some stripped socks and your favorite combat boots. Your hair was still straightened and you did some light touches of makeup before walking out the door. Chanyeol was waiting for you and you walked past him. He started to run after you and yelled, "why are you wearing that?"
"It's my uniform."
"It's tight."
"I know."
He sighed and stopped you, turning you towards him, "baby please. Don't do this?"
"Baby? Now I'm your baby? You just don't want anyone else to have me while you can do whatever you want."
"It's not that. It's just...I don't know if I'm ready to go the next step with you. I know if we really got together, I'd be with you forever. You're everything to me and I don't know if I'm ready for that."
You smacked your teeth and started to walk away, "well let me just be then Chanyeol!" He grabbed your arm to pull you back, looking deep into your eyes. You felt like you could melt right then and there before he grabbed your cheeks and kissed you softly. His lips made you feel like any insecurity or worry you had about him would vanish.

And that was the problem.

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