Chapter 8

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A few days had gone past and JD solidified your break up by coming by with a box of your things. It wasn't much but you in returned gave him back the necklace you received on your birthday. The problem now was prom was tonight and your date just dumped you. You did a deep exhale as he left before going back in the house to lay in bed. You stared at your prom dress as it hung on your closet door. You debated on even going since you were going to be alone.

You spaced out as you watched tv until you heard a knock on your door. Before you could even say 'come in', Chanyeol burst in wearing his prom suit, "Are you ready?!" You looked at him, still wearing your sweats and a messy bun, "what do you think?"
He laughed at the image of you and hopped in bed with you, "you know it starts in like an hour. What are you doing?"
"I don't have a date."
"It'll be boring if I go alone."
"Then go with me." You laughed at him and shook your head, "no thanks, I'm not third wheeling with you and what's her face."
He chuckled, "her name is Melissa and I wasn't planning on going with her anyways. I was going stag."
"Yea I just didn't tell you because I kinda like when you're jealous of what's her face." He continued to laugh as he threw a towel at you, "get ready woman."

You came downstairs in your strapless black and silver mermaid style gown, feeling a bit like a princess. You had straightened and barrel curled your hair, pinning one side with silver Bobby pins. Your mom couldn't help but to pull out her phone, making you both take pictures. She gave you a kiss on the cheek before sending you off, "please make sure to have fun tonight."
"We will mom."
As you went outside, you noticed the all white town car that was sitting in your driveway, "what is this?"
"Just because I was going stag didn't mean I wasn't going in style."
As you climbed in the back seat, you noticed a bottle of champagne and flutes waiting. You popped open the bottle and poured the glasses, making sure your parents weren't still watching. As you clinked glasses, he smirked, "to us."
"To us..."

Once you arrived to the hotel, you both took the cheesy prom photos that you knew both your mothers would want. He linked arms with your as you entered the ballroom, noticing how beautiful it was. White and black were the colors throughout the venue, with silver accents. As you walked hand and hand, you noticed JD with another girl as well. You gave him a silent head nod as Chanyeol found a table for you. He motioned for you to look under the table at the flask he snuck in his shoes. He made you both drinks with the punch and you could feel the effects immediately. A few fast paced songs ended with some slow ballads so you had opportunity to slow dance with him. As you laid your head in his chest, he spoke softly, "this is just like our first dance. I won't mess up this time." You chuckled and heard the Dj cut off the song.
"Ok students! It's time to announce our prom king and queen. I hope you all finished voting!"
You looked up at Chanyeol and grinned, "ready for another crown."
He blushed, "nahhhh not this time."
"Well I voted for you."
He nudged your shoulder with his arm, "and I voted for you."
You shook your head and laughed, "I wasn't even on the ballot."

The principal came up to the podium with the crowns, flowers and sashes, tapping the microphone, "ok class. I have the results..."
You gave Chanyeol's hand a slight squeeze before you heard his name called. His smile made the whole room light up as he walked to the stage. You clapped and then took a picture of him with his crown. The principal called out the queen's name and you thought it was a mistake. Everyone looked back at you, clearing a path for you to walk as a thunderous applause followed. You shyly walked up the steps to the stage, thinking a bucket of pig's blood was going to follow. The crown was placed on your head and for the first time in a while, you genuinely smiled. Chanyeol grabbed your hand as a slow song came on for you two to dance too. At that moment, everyone in the room disappeared. Every person you both dated left your mind. You stared up at him, admiring him as he look down at you. He moved his hands to the small of your back to bring you closer. Suddenly you felt his lips meet yours. You instinctively moved your hands behind his neck, feeling your heart beat faster than it ever had. The music stopped, and you heard all the gasps from the crowd. Your face became hot while his became redder by the second. You both ran off stage laughing as you didn't stop running until you were in the hallway. You looked at him and slapped his shoulder, "what the hell just happened?! Did you forget about what's her name?!"
He laughed and shook his head, "I can't believe I did that. It felt like it was just me and you in that room."
"I felt that too."
He grabbed your hand and lead you to the elevator, "come with me."
As you made it to a random floor of the building, he pulled out a keycard to open one of the rooms. The room was nice, all white with a king size bed. You looked back at him and smirked, "why are we in a hotel suite?"
"What do people do when they go to prom?"
"dance...have crowned royalty."
"Yea yea all that but let's really party." He pulled out a duffel bag from the closet, throwing a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top at you. He went into the bathroom and changed into his zootopia pajama bottoms and a white tank. You went through the duffle bag, finding a bottle of wine and your favorite board games.

Did he plan on taking me to prom all along? This is too perfect.

When he came out the bathroom, you stared at him and cocked your head to the side, "explain..."
"What do you mean?" He started giving you that derpy smile you knew too well, "did you plan this?"
He started to whistle and grabbed a glass to pour his wine into, "and if I did?"
You laughed behind your hand and took the glass from him, "you're the best."

A few hours of continuous monopoly and scrabble made you exhausted. The wine didn't help and neither did the second bottle he ordered through room service. As you laid in the bed, he laid next to you, letting his hand rest on your stomach. You felt his lips on your chin before he fell asleep in your shoulder. You couldn't have asked for a more perfect night.

The next morning, you woke up to soft snores in your ear. You checked your phone to see your parents had called you multiple times. You shot them a few texts saying you stayed with Chanyeol to calm their nerves. As you settled back into bed, your felt his arms wrap back around you, bringing you into him. As you felt his body press on yours, you felt something poking you. You turned back to look at him, peaking under the sheets to find his morning wood. You didn't know how to react but his arms weren't losing grip around you. You started stroking his hair until he woke up completely, "good morning Chan..."
"Hmmm?" You continued to play in his hair which made him squeeze you harder. You continued to get poked, which made you laugh awkwardly. He finally realized what was going on and pulled you tighter into him. He whispered in your ear, " bad..." he began kissing on the back of your neck while his hands roamed down your hips. You let out a sigh and shook your head, "Chan what are you doing?" He moved his body until he was on top of you, giving you slow kisses up your neck. As he bit your earlobe, you felt his hand being your thigh up on his waist. You could feel all of him grind against you and your body started to react. It felt like everything was fluttering. His lips met yours and you couldn't help but to moan on his lips. Though everything felt like it was going on slow motion, you opened your eyes and realized you were both naked under these sheets. You looked up at him as your kiss broke, giving him a silent nod. You felt every inch enter you and felt like every butterfly in your stomach was released. His passionate kisses landed on your lips with every slow stroke going deeper. You started to tremble at how good everything felt. Even though it was your first time, it felt like you were physically made for each other. In a swift motion, he flipped you onto your stomach, making you arch your back as he entered again. You held onto the headboard as he took advantage of you, feeling your ass slap against his abs. You heard his groans and moans, making you quiver even more. His bare hand gave your ass a slap and you couldn't help but to giggle. You could tell he had wanted this for a long time and you couldn't deny that you did too.

You continued that morning figuring out positions until you both physically exhausted yourselves. You lost count of the rounds after 5 and was happy he brought more than enough condoms.

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