Part 2

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I felt my body go limp as if it was falling I closed my eyes 'what's happening!' I thought. When I hit the ground my breath was knocked out of me. I quickly got to my hands and knees coughing and trying to catch my breath. I sat there for a long time before  finally getting up I looked around to find sand everywhere. I sighed getting to my feet and noticed my clothes changed. (picture above) I was wearing some sort of baggy pants and what's looked like a sports bra and underneath most of it was all wrapped up in cloth.

I sighed but then noticed the thing strapped around my leg a hostler for knives like the ones Naruto wears. It hit me I was in world of Naruto, but that meant the sand village was close. Hopefully. I started to walk it wasn't fun finally saw the wall of Sunagakure I smiled and approached.

"Holt! Who Goes There!" A sand ninja asked.

I paused not knowing what to do and quickly panicked when I heard what sounded like three sets of feet walking from behind me. I turned around only to face Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro sand started to move around me. I quickly jumped backwards stumbling as I landed avoiding the sand Gaara was controlling. Something fell beside my foot and I grabbed it 'a fan?' I thought I opened it up to find spikes on it as it cut my face in the process of opening.

"Temari, Kankuro, leave her to me." Gaara spoke as the siblings backed up.

"She got a fan like me just smaller" Temari told Kankuro and he nodded his head.

I found another one and opened it up I took dance and gymnastics in the real world. that being said I should be able to dodge and cross country gave me endurance. I looked around only problem is the sand it's hard to balance on. I avoided another attack but it's useless speed is the only way to beat Gaara and that's something I don't have. I eventually got close enough that I was barely able to attack with one fan then throwing the other it slashing him on the back of his leg he looked mad.

"GAARA!" I heard Temari and Kankuro yelled

"I'm not here to... fight" I fell to the ground passing out

~~~~~~Real world~~~~~~
I felt myself being shook it was the school nurse as I came too.

"What happened?" I managed to speak.

The nurse explained how I passed out in here and some students got help when you did respond to them. I watched as they left and I walked to the mirror. I saw the slash on my cheek 'it wasn't a dream...' I thought the Earring has changed as well it showed Red meaning mad. I left the bathroom and ran home taking the Earring off and started making an Oc based off my character in the Naruto world. I even managed to talk my friend to inviting me along to her kick boxing class... I needed to get stronger.

~~~~time skip one week brought to you by Author Chan~~~~~

I put the earring back on it showed the emotion stressed "Llévema" I spoke but nothing happened it was my bed time but I remembered I had to be upset so I watched try not to cry videos. "Llévema!" I said again. Once again I went limp and opened my eyes to a white roof... I got out of the bed and stood up... not realizing the other person in the room along with me.

"How are you feeling?" A female voice spoke out and I turned around.

"Temari" I mumbled where she wouldn't be able to hear me "I'm fine but may I ask where I am?"

"The hospital you've been out for the past month." She looked at me "now here's the real question who are you?"

"I guess that is the question isn't it?" I sighed "I was kinda expecting to be dead by now."

"Trust me if it was up to Gaara you would be." She stood up "and if you won't tell me you name and purpose her I will let him have his way."

"I'm Y/n L/n... but I don't remember anything before finding my way to this village." I had to lie and pull of the Amnesia act.

She sighed and motioned for me to follow her "you pose us no threat so far so I will offer my hostility and let you stay in our spare room"

I nodded and followed her to the room and laid down it was night time I did he math in my head well tried and came up with that one day in our world was four in theirs... meaning I have two days here before I should be awoken by anyone. I climbed out the window to the roof. I didn't want to lose my grace so I practiced dancing well my Ballerina dance moving ever so gracefully.

~~~~~~~~~~~POV Temari ~~~~~~~~~~~
I heard what sounded like footsteps on the roof I peaked outside and saw Y/n moving around gracefully. I ran downstairs and grabbed Kankuro and Gaara and ran upstairs creeping the door open
"look." Said said as I pushed them both to the door.

"She looks so at peace right now" I looked at the two boys "that day a month ago she was so scared and acted so out of place. I don't think she's from anywhere near us..."

Kankuro agreed but Gaara stayed quiet we had just got back from the exams a month ago and this is the most he's ever been injured in his whole life these past months. I understand why he's been on edge I mean it's not every day he gets hurt. Kankuro and Gaara slowly backed up I looked up to see that Y/n had noticed us and had started walking to us.

"I'm sorry if I woke any of you up I was unable to sleep" she spoke

"No this actually probably helped us all we should introduce ourselves... I'm Temari the guy with purple makeup and looks like a cat is Kankuro and Gaara is one with the hair hair and gourd." I smiled

Y/n walked up to us opening the door "well I'm Y/n" I watched as she walked passed us and went to her room.

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