Part 4

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A/n: the last chapter was a bit shorter so I'll make this one a longer one.

You coughed up a bit of blood of when Hoshi stepped on you. She picked you up holding your throat you already had troubles breathing before, but now your passing out. You mumbled something before you blacked out without realizing it. 'Llévema'

You opened your eyes to find you were on a tree just outside of the sand village. You jumped out of the tree and ran to the wall people tried to stop you as you climbed up and ran to the home.

"T-Temari!" You yelled

I watched as her Kankuro and Gaara looked at me like I was insane. I went to take another step as I felt a huge pain on my stomach and fell to the ground holding it.

"Kankuro go get a medical Ninja female please, Gaara help me take her to her room then I'll need you to leave." Temari spoke

I saw Kankuro run off and sand moving beneath me and Gaara's sand carried me to the bed. He left and Temari looked at me panicking as I coughed up some blood.

~~~~~~~~~Hoshi POV~~~~~~~~~

Y/n passed out witch was absolutely perfect and tossed her to the ground and stomped on her stomach she coughed up a bit of blood. I looked behind me to her old friends Daitan and Akain they looked at my shocked.

"Isn't this too far hoshi?" Akain asked "I know she embarrassed you but our deal was only to..."

I cut her off " ah yes the deal to get this little earring from her" I smiled as I took it off her ear. She started waking up with shocked me a bit she looked horrified.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Temari POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I was examining her injuries when Kankuro returned. I ran out of her room dragging the medics ninja who was indeed a female. We got to her room I opened the door and she was gone. Panicked examining the room trying to see if she had some how escaped. The door I shut behind me was shut when we got back and I know I didn't hear it open. The window was locked from the inside meaning if she left through there she wouldn't of been able to lock it again. I turned to Kankuro he looked just as puzzled she had just disappeared.

I walked up to Gaara he was acting weird he kept mentioning that we should look for her and saying he had a bad feeling. He's never acted out in this sort of manner before and it shocked us both. And smiled and nodded my head.

"Agreed, we may not of known her long but she seem trustworthy let's go find her!" I smiled and ran down stairs.

Kankuro followed me and Gaara just dissolved into a pool of sand appearing next to us he wasn't much of a fan of walking.

~~~~time skip one month irl Y/n POV~~~~

I was walking down the hallway and manged to spot a certain Hoshi wearing my earring. I walked past her and grabbed it losing the back of the Earring in the process of sprinting away. I could hear yelling from behind me as I rushed out of the school building and rushed to my grandmas house. I knocked on the door as it opened my grandma hugged me and pulled me inside.

"Grandma what is up with this Earring?" I spoke frightened of the reply.

"Well that's something for you to find it isn't it?" I looked at her confused. " well you see this earring is very special and it's up to you to find out why"

She smiled sweetly and turned on a sad movie it took it a bit but finally at one part I wanted to cry "Llévema" I spoke quietly falling asleep. I woke up to find I was surround by trees moving by me fast I'm pretty sure I was being carried. I looked up to see Naruto carrying me he looked down and smiled.

"Look lady I'm not going to ask too many questions but one why are you beat up so badly?" He stopped moving and let me stand on my two feet.

"I got into a fight" I lied "do you know where the sand village is?" I didn't know the path in between the two just yet.

"Nope! But kakashi-sensei should." We started to move again

I followed Naruto quietly and we made our way to the village Kakashi looked at Naruto then to me puzzled.

"Please tell me you didn't kidnap this poor girl Naruto?" Kakashi looked at him with with brow twitching.

Naruto held his hands up instantly and chuckled so I stepped in "no e didn't I was injured in a battle and he found me... but I would really like directions to the sand village."

Kakashi nodded understand the problem know he motioned to follow him and I did. I recognized the building we were climbing the steps to taunade place I wanted to gasp out loud but I needed to act like I had no idea what was happening because I have never been to their village I've only seen it in the shows. He opened the door and I heard what sounded life familiar voices then someone call me in.

"Hello ms.l/n I believe these fine sand ninja have been looking for you as of lately." Lady Tsunade spoke to me.

I saw their shocked faces well Temari's and Kankuro's faces Gaara the redhead looked like this was just some sad day I touched my black earring it meant sad. I figured it was his emotions but it was only a hypothesis at this point and time. I was so deep in thought I didn't realize Temari was getting closer and was trying to talk to me until I was wackos with my own fan.

"Hey what was that for!" I looked at Temari as she dropped the fan in my hand once more as I put it up.

"That's what happened when I get ignored by someone that we have looked for, for the past Four months." Temari looked over at Gaara.

Kankuro sighed as I glanced over at him and he pulled Temari into and hug it looked like he wanted to pull Gaara along too but Gaara scooted away. Temari grabbed my hand as she pulled me and Kankuro out of the room after thanking kakashi and Lady Tsunade.

"Where were you Y/n" she looked serious "look I need to have a reason to trust you again we need a reason."

I looked at the three of them and sighed "I went off to train and got lost in the woods near the lead village. I got attack passed out then Naruto found me." I was lying but I couldn't let them know the truth.

Temari nodded her head believing me Gaara looked like he didn't by a word of it and Kankuro looked confused. Temari said we were going home as she pulled me next to her the whole time until two days passed. I was holding my breath and waited to be woken up but to never happened . We got to the sand village three days passed I started to panic as I paced my room.

Gaara walked in I was too busy pacing to notice though.

"Y/n are you ok?" He spoke quietly

I stood there shocked did he just speak to me I looked at him kinda shocked "Yeah Gaara sorry to worry you."

I sat down on my bed and noticed Gaara pulled the chair from my desk in front of me and sat down.

" ok then I have some questions..." his turned from quiet to serious, I froze.

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