Part 8

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A/n sorry it took so long 😅 so here's a recap of last chapter Gaara finally understood his feeling but walked into you crying when he left you got out of the window and he followed. you two confessed when y/n was in her ninja of the moon mode (I'll explain later on in this chapter) when they went back and fell asleep she couldn't remember anything when she woke and they confessed again. Now! To the story!

Y/n pov
   I felt him pull me into a hug "geez calm down I'm glad you feel the same way"

I pulled away from him and he looked confused. "Gaara I need to know something... you said I told you last night by how I don't remember a thing?"

He looked like he was constraining "well at night you leave and then you change forms and we'll yeah you look really weird glowing eyes and hair and your fans glow too..."

I sat there trying to make sense of any of that. "So I have any other form?" He nodded "well then tonight we experiment ask her questions when you see her."

   He nodded his head in understanding and left the room. 'I sighed what am I doing to do' I thought to myself not fully understanding why I did this. Then it hit me I started disappearing as Temari walked in.

    "No no no n-"

I was cut off by waking up in my grandmas house with police officers shaking me.

Temari pov

   Gaara left y/ns room and told me to check on her as I walked in y/n was turning into dust

"No no no n-" she was gone I stood there in shock...

    "GAARA KANKURO!"  I didn't know what else to do she just was gone.

     They both entered the room they looked scared but saw nothing... "s-She..." was all I could get out.

    "Temari she what? Where's y/n?" Gaara asked me sounding a little upset.

   I call down enough to tell them both what happened how I walked in and how she dissolved in front of me...

Gaara POV

   It hit me like a bullet "I'm not supposed to be here yet I haven't gone back!" "I'm from really really far away." "I just wanna go home!" "I can't tell you yet!" Was he that much of an idiot.  She spoke it right in front of him she made it very clear.

    Gaara felt a tug on his heart a sharp pain too she was gone. And he didn't know when or, if she was going to be back... he felt tears starting to form "she can't just..."

  Temari and Kankuro walked next to him and hugged him. Trying to calm their baby brother down was hard enough before but now she was gone.

   Y/n irl POV

"Hello young lady can you hear us?" I was trying to keep my eyes opened.

  I nodded my head the best I could "good we are taking you too the hospital your on a stretcher so please stay still."

   I started to tear up as they rushed past what looked like a older lady on the floor face down. I couldn't tell who it was or where I am until it hit me. I was at grandmas that was grandma.

   "Grandma! Grandma please!" I screamed but she didn't move.

   My vision got blurry from tears but I kept screaming at my grandma as they got me out of the house and onto the ambulance.

   "Take me back! Why was she on the floor, help her not me!" My voice got horse as I kept yelling at them trying to get them to help her.
  I earned a sigh from the person in the back with me "sweetie it was too late she died yesterday."  I felt tears streaming down my face.

   Those four days I was gone in their world I could've spent with her! I hate them! The tears wouldn't stop as I starting to cry some more. By the time we got to the hospital the tears were all dried up all gone I couldn't cry if I tried. The nurse walked in with my mother.

   "Sweetie! Did she have another episode of passing out! Y/n what happened?"  The nurse pulled my mother aided and expanded everything.

  Apparently the person next door got worried when he didn't hear or see anything from my grandma that day. Turns out she had plans to hang out with some of the other older people in the block. So he went and knocked on the door to no reply so he called the cops. They got in the house to find her dead and me in the guests room knocked out.

  My mother nodded and walked over to me "hey sweetie you ok?" I stayed silent.

The nurse left to give us some alone time "sweetheart it's ok to talk to me..." she sounded upset but so was I.

   I stayed silent

Momma left the room as well to get me discharged from here since I had no physical injuries. I waited and she came back and told me home. We both stayed silent as she pulled into our house I got out and walked to my room took the earring off and put it on my night stand.

   Next day in school
  Just like every other day I was picked on and bullied same people. I stayed silent as I was thrown to the ground and the group of girls walked away giggling I hate them

  One year later.
I walked into my room and sat down on my bed I knocked something off my nightstand I looked at it. 'My earring' I thought to myself. I hadn't spoken at all since she died and I've been depressed. Maybe one visit won't hurt. What was the word again... I couldn't think of it but I put the earring on anyway and fell alseep I think I mumbled something but I couldn't understand what tho.

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