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   I  walked past the three with a smile on my face I went to my room and laid down on my bed. Yet again I couldn't sleep so I opened my window and jumped out.

     ~~~~~~~~Gaara POV~~~~~~~
   I was on the roof trying to figure out this Y/n girl. She shows no fear to me or about me I was shaken out of my thoughts when a window opened and Y/n jumped out. I followed her making sure not to be seen I watched as she wondered around this city.  She was on the street walking when a drunk walked out of a alley with a bottle of alcohol in his hand he stopped her. I had a bad feeling and watched carefully I knew that this could end badly so I listened in.

    "My my my what a pretty lady" the drunk took a couple steps towards Y/n.

   She backed up anyone easily able to tell she was uncomfortable "I don't want any trouble I'll be leaving now."

   The grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him I got my sand ready to intervene but paused. the tips of her hair turned silver  as she looked at the man again. "I wouldn't do that if I were you"

    She easily yanked her arm out of her grip pulling out fans her eyes closed. her fans and eyes opened to revealing they too are glowing silver. "Ninja art: wrath of the moon!"

   Her fans were positioned one above her head one below it. The fans moved switching positions a slice trail of light followed till they were in the middle of her chest she moved them backwards then shot them forwards as I gust of wind hit the man sending him flying.

  Gaara heard her say something quiet interesting as she left "your lucky I didn't throw these fans at you as well Mr.stalker after all the moon isn't even in its fullest."

   Gaara pondered the fact of how he was spotted as he went back home she laid down on his bed the replied the strange girls actions. Without realizing it he has spaced off until the morning rays were shinning through the window.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/n POV~~~~~~~~~~~~
    You woke up in your bed having forgotten everything that happened after the man grabbed you last night it scared you. You walked to the three sand siblings and Gaara was staring at you, you froze. You guessed Temari and Kankuro caught sight of this stare down you and Gaara shared.

   "What happened between you two last night?" Temari was the first to speak up.

   I looked over at her " I don't know" I said looking back at Gaara daring him to speak his mind but he only sighed and left the room. Temari looked at you and pulled a chair down next to her. You took the hint and sat down next to her.

"Y/n be honest with me what happened last night..?" Temari asked.

   "I couldn't sleep so I went to explore the village as I was walking and drunken man called me out and grabbed my wrist that's all I remember..." I sat there not knowing what happened last night terrified me.

   "Ok I understand I'll go talk to Gaara..." Temari spoke as she helped you up out of your seat.

   You walked to your room and started weighting a note you knew you were just gonna disappear so you had a backup plan as the night approached you left the room yelling goodbye to the people in the building with you and snuck outside the city leaving your note behind.

You woke up to your mother shaking you  "mom I'm up" you said sleepily.

"Good now get ready for school my little princess." You grumbled that she called you a preincess but ignored it.

   You got dressed in your school uniform and left for school. You liked the flower with the two needles in your ninja outfit so you recreated that to wear all the time.  You got to school and saw your  two friends Akain and Daitan you walked up to them and they walked away. Hoshi laughed as they walked behind her . you were about at your breaking point when Akain walked over to you and pushed you down into the school pond she laughed. You were about to get up when Hoshi picked you up by your H/c H/l hair and tossed you onto the ground and stomped on your back you yelped in pain.

~~~~~~~~Gaara POV ~~~~~~~~
I needed to talk to her about last night so I knocked on her door. Without any reply I opened it to find a latter I picked it up and read it.

'Dear whoever is reading this
Sorry I'm gonna be gone on and off for a while two days in two days out it's sorta for my training. I really hope you all don't mind and please whoever reads this first tell the others I don't want them to panic. I'll see you in two days.

I looked at the note "tch" I thought I walked to Temari and Kankuro handing them the letter to read.

"Do you think she's ok?" Temari asked

"Yeah I would she managed to hurt Gaara" Kankuro spoke out.

"She'll be fine" I butted in "I've seen her fight." With those words I left.

I wish I could believe my own words I thought to myself something just doesn't feel right though. I couldn't even feel the tiniest bit of her charka it's like she left this world completely. I wondered around for a bit ignoring the fact that I knew something was wrong. Dam I hate the fact that the Naruto kid got to me with his whole friends are important speech. Wait does this mean I consider Y/n a friend I guess so I walked over to Temari and Kankuro. I sat down next to them she was fin I'm sure of it.

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