It Wasn't Pretty

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The trip back to Camp Half Blood was uncomfortable to say the least. Sure Leo dropped a joke here and there, but it felt forced. It was forced. The previous events weighed on the teen and humiliated by his own weakness Leo found himself on edge. He hid it well and most wouldn't have picked up on the unease, but these were his close friends. As a result, the typically lighthearted and jovial bunch (sans Nico of course) were off kilter. Sensing Leo's agitation, Nico reverted to sulking whenever he was conscious to do so. Even Percy remained unnaturally quiet and withdrawn. The only chatter came in hushed whispers from the two girls as they became further acquainted.

There was only one interaction between Leo and Nico and it wasn't pretty.

As the group breached Half Blood Hill, a small clan of Harpies converged on the teens. Without looking for consent Percy placed Nico's arm around the son of Hephaestus, uncapped Riptide and engaged in combat. Annabeth pulled Chloe behind her and unsheathed her knife. The three groups each faced off with a Harpy. Percy charged, wielding his sword like a madman. He rolled under an outstretched talon, reaching up and successfully clipping a wing. Off balance, the creature tilted and slowed. Percy took advantage of the moment and leapt as he swung his blade, successfully beheading the nasty bird-like monster.

Meanwhile Chloe manipulated a rock to slam into the back of their harpy's head. As it spun to face it's unknown foe, Annabeth jumped onto its back, slit it's throat and fell to the ground in a pile of "monster dust".

As the battle began Leo wracked his brain. He wanted to protect Nico, but doing so meant leaving him vulnerable as he fought the beast. Thinking quickly he helped the boy to the ground, summoned a large hammer and heated it up. Leo swung hard enough for an out-of-the-park homerun and felt the satisfying crunch of contact. But the blow didn't do enough. The beast screeched and lashed out in response, it's claws penetrating the flesh of Leo's cheek despite his efforts to jump back. Leo regained his footing, albeit momentarily dazed. As his attention span zeroed back in on the monster-at-hand he raised his weapon for round two. Leo stopped short in surprise when a blade emerged from the harpy's chest. The monster crumbled into dust to reveal Nico breathing heavily and on his knees, blade in hand.

Leo was incensed. "Are you insane? You're... you're hurt Nico! You can't just... you shouldn't be...gods Nico! How stupid are you?"

Now, of all the things to be said, this was a far cry from what Nico had expected. When he'd seen the wounds on his mechanics face, impulse took over. He'd shadow traveled behind the beast and killed it as quickly as possible. Seeing Leo's enraged eyes set him off. He looked up from his spot on the ground (hoping he looked more intimidating than he felt).

"What was I supposed to do?" He ground out. "Was I supposed to let it kill you?"

The mechanic wiped blood from his eyes as his shoulders slumped.

"I'm not totally helpless you know," he whispered before turning towards the camp. An Apollo camper ran up to assist him but he shrugged her off and directed her towards the fallen son of Hades. Moments later Leo was gone. Percy had moved to follow, but Annabeth held him back.

"Give it time Seaweed brain."

The son of Poseidon looked like he wanted to protest, but eventually he resigned. "If you say so Wise girl."

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