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AN: It's raining so naturally I would work on my fanfiction which has rapidly turned dark and depressing. I was just going over the last few chapters and I was like how do you all handle this?! Anyways, thanks for reading and comment if you please!


"This isn't normal," whispered a thoroughly freaked out Will Solace. Nico rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Nothing about our lives is normal."
The two were standing on a hill as Nico scurried about making sure his sacrifice would do. Will on the other hand held back, standing awkwardly with his hands stuffed into his armpits as if he were cold. The blonde had agreed to come solely because he cared for the lad. Raising the dead, he did not care for.
"Of course not, but this is like really not normal. It's the next level of abnormal. It's the grand salami of not normal. It's--," Nico spun and glared hard at his friend. "Will you cut it out? If you're that freaked you can just leave you know."
The healer backtracked quickly. He knew that when Nico became defensive and snappy it was usually out of insecurity. He never wanted to be the one to make the teen doubt himself. It was clear even now that the Italian was spiraling. His hands shook slightly and his eyes wouldn't meet Will's. So the blonde stepped forward and grabbed a trembling hand. Nico initially flinched, but he didn't move away.
"I'm not afraid of you Nico. And what you're capable of is amazing. And I hope to Apollo that if I ever go missing someone will be there to stand by as you send all your dead friends to find me." Nico cracked a smile at that and Will grinned right back feeling accomplished.
"So let's find that crazy mechanic of yours."
"He's not crazy," pouted Nico.
"Just crazy for you," shot back the taller boy.
Nico summoned a hoard of spirits looking to please the Ghost King and hopefully earn the right to rest. He sent them in different directions demanding they find Leo Valdez and report back with his location and the identity of his captor.
The moment they vanished he collapsed to his knees and Will was right there to scoop him into his arms. "Sleep Death Boy. I've got you."
As he carried his friend back to camp, Will studied his features. He can remember watching Nico during his time on "bed rest" after the rise of Gaia. He had really liked the boy at the time. He later figured it was a bit of the Florence Nightingale effect. Something about his strength in the midst of hardship, his power against all odds, his fearlessness despite insurmountable foes, oh you get it. Nico had an allure to oddballs like Will. He could see Nico in his arms feeling safe for once. But that didn't work out. Leo came along. The pain of watching Nico slip away as his friendship with the Latino deepened was still a bit raw. But more than a crush, Nico was his friend and he wasn't going to let his feelings ruin that. So here he was carrying the boy he loved as he slept. Taking the only opportunity to observe him up close.
You can tell a lot about a person by their sleep. Despite the horrors Nico had faced, back when he was on bed rest his face would relax in his sleep. There was clearly some level of inner peace that was revealed as he slept. And when he slept after the porcupine incident he even smiled and hummed a bit as he lay unconscious. But today as the son of Hades buried his head into Will's shoulder his eyes were scrunched up, his face agitated, lips murmuring. The boy was missing his love and it showed.
When he crossed the borders into camp he saw Hazel and Percy waiting together. He caught their eyes and smiled to indicate that everything went fine.
"He should be getting results if the mass of ghosts is anything to go by," he whispered, "but I don't think he overworked himself. It seems he's starting to learn some level of control."
The two before him nodded and Hazel ran her fingers through Nico's hair.
"Let's get him to bed then yeah?" she whispered back.
They settled him in his bunk and Will took one last look at the pale boy. He bit his lip and walked out, heart clenching from unrequited love. He was lying to himself really. It wasn't a crush. It wasn't Florence Nightingale Syndrome. It was love. Painful, grating, awful unrequited love.

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