Chapter 6

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Chrome: let us keep going to the location.


Histoire POV

Im wondering how he was captured at the first did he even get captured? He is strong just getting worried about him...

Compa: histy are you okay?

Histoire: im fine, just worried...

Compa: are you sure? Because there are tears flowing down your face...I want to help if I can...

Histoire: am I? Im sorry, im worrying you about something so small...dont worry about me compa...

Compa: if you say so histy. Say, want some tea and snacks while waiting?

Histoire: sure thing. Are you sure their fine on their own?

Compa: dont worry histy, nep nep and the others will be fine.

Neptune POV

Geez its taking too long. I need to eat pudding.

Neptune: im getting hungry...

IF: you just ate a pack of pudding nep.

Neptune: aww

We reached the room where he is held with the tracking system histy is using.

Tekken: we need to be careful.

During the raid

Tekken: were not being careful!!!

Arfoire: tsk. Fine, warechu, take the cage! Let the monsters take care of them

IF: oh no you dont!

Iffy then took that chance to grab the cage and while at it, arfoire tried to hit her with magic, but luckily arthur blocked it. Arfoire then used a smoke bomb and vanished. Luckily we still have him with us.

???: I thank you for rescuing me. I've been getting tired of their constant bugging.

Neptune: now that we have saved you, back to the basilicom~!

Vert: I want to have a discussion with you if its fine with you.

???: im fine with that. But...this virus is still lingering in my system. Its gonna take a while to remove it.

Vert: dont worry, Histoire said that she will be in charge of that.

???: very well.

Neptune: whats your name? The author can't keep on calling you with question marks.

???: oh, my name is chivear. The old oracle of leanbox.

Red: so your old?

Chivear: not really. When I was sealed, my growth was stopped and retained after being awoken again.

Arthur: I see...

Nitroplus: well, its nice meeting you, but I gotta go.

Tekken: can I come with you nitro?

Nitroplus: sure.

Neptune: bye~ have a safe trip!


We reached the basilicom and went towards the top floor after we bought pudding.

Arthur: say neptune...where are the candidates? I havent seen them today.

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