chapter 7

345 3 18

Last time

Uni: ill film it! *giggle*



We were now seen waiting for the noire here to do something. We have been waiting for 30 minutes and I have my phone ready to record when suddenly.

Noire: mmmm....

Noire gets up and mumbles some stuff. I was starting the recording and me including the others except rom, ram, and vert are here. Ray on the ther hand, is charging his battery. This will be funny if I show this to nee chan.

Blanc: oh, she's starting to walk.

Nepgear: she's...sleepwalking?

Neptune: so...THATS whats making her not irritated the next morning?

Noire: mmm....come on...dont pull...

Uni: I wonder what she's dreaming of...then again, I dont think this will be surprising for me.

Nepgear: *giggle*

We followed her....outside? We decided to hide behind some rocks so that in case that she wakes up, she wont see us.

outside? We decided to hide behind some rocks so that in case that she wakes up, she wont see us

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Noire: guys like my singing?....

Uni: I think she's dreaming of being a singer on stage right now.

Blanc: so that's what she's doing each night...

Neptune: wowie! I never took noire to that!

Uni: hey! What's that supposed to mean!

Neptune: I mean, we never really took noire to be a dress up doll sometimes. It just shocks me that she has an incredible fashion sense.

Nepgear: I think its just that you dont care about clothing...

Nepgear sweatdrops at her supposed to be sister. We all had a big comically sized bead of sweat as we see noire do what she was doing.

Noire: aww... you guys want an encore?.....sure thing!...

Uni: and there she goes again...

Noire: thank you!....

Noire then bows down and falls face first. We were trying our best to hold our laughter so that she wont catch us spying on her.

Noire: what the?! How did I get out here...and..WHY AM I ON THE COSPLAYING CLOTHES THAT I BOUGHT EARLIER?!

Girls behind the rock: pfft!!!

Noire: whatever, I bet they're asleep, its fine. I guess ill change back to my sleepware and sleep.

We followed her to the bathroom and waits for her to reach her room. When she reached her room, we were having really good footage. Its was fun till it lasted but before I pressed the recording button to stop...

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