Chapter 14

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Last time


He held a cuboid crystal with a lock inside it and crushed it. He was enveloped in a dark pillar of zeros and ones and when I died down, what we saw made us shiver from all the murderous intent he is giving off.



What were seeing is true. He's in a corrupted form... what he called Borg form?

IF: this is getting out of hand...

Purple heart: I know...

Autumn: need help?

IF and Purple heart: Autumn?!

IF: I thought you went to lastation.

Black heart: he did go there. We just went here to check whats happening.


Autumn: woah! Whats that?!

IF: Thats my brother, Rune. And he changed into what he calls, a borg form. Seems to be the corrupted form

Autumn: wait a minute so your saying-

A phone rang. Obviously not mine since my ringtones are not like that.

Autumn: woops. Thats mine.

He picked up the call and started talking

Autumn: hello, this is general Autumn speaking.

In phone: this is sergeant Rio McKnight sire.

Autumn: any status updates?

Rio: well, the other nations are safe for now. They are rebuilding as we speak.

Autumn: recon?

Rio: they just came back sire.

Autumn: I want a full and complete report of their expedition when I come back. Dismissed.

Rio: yes sire.

With that, he ended the call.

IF: who was that?

Autumn: that was sergeant Rio McKnight, my right hand man.

Purple heart: now is not the time to dilly dally!

White heart: what the hell is this?!

Purple heart: this is supposed to be iffy's little brother, Rune, but now, he's in a form called borg.

Green heart: great. A new villain to be put down.

Purple heart: vert!


He says as he radiated negative share energy. We were blown away except for Autumn.

Autumn: tch...ill call in reinforcements!

Autumn left to get reinforcements while we
Stall my brother...oh what have you become...

Autumn POV

I got back to hq to get the available soldiers.

Soldier 1: General Autumn sir!

Autumn: call your unit members and put them on standby at the borders of planeptune.

Soldier 1: yes sir!

He left and I continue to walk briskly to go get zero squadron.

3 minutes later

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