Chapter VIII

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2 days before the wedding...

A man leaned on the wall of an isolated corridor of a medical institute.

Nobody used this corridor, as a shortcut had been created, which made people neglect this beautiful space, coloured a baby blue shade.

But still it was the go-to place for secret meetings, confessions.... And not to mention heartbreak.

The man leaning on the wall was undoubtedly handsome. His plump lips pressed into a line as he typed on his phone-

"I am meeting a very important person. So I wouldn't be able to make it to the company.."

He pressed the send button and put the phone in his Jean pocket, as foot steps were heard indicating that someone was approaching.

He leaned off the wall and stood straight and turned his head to the right where a person was approaching.

A genuine and sweet smile immediately grew on his face upon seeing the person he had been so patiently waiting for.

She had long dark brown hair that stopped at her waist and big brown beautiful eyes.

He could stare at her forever and ever.

She came to a halt before him, a faint smile on her face.

"Sarang. What do I owe this wonderful opportunity to be in your presence to?" . He asked humorously. He wanted that faint smile on her face to change into a true smile.

How he loved the way she smiled.

And it did. Sarang smiled and hit his arm.

"Yah Jimin!" She said. He smiled.

How he loved it when she said his name.

"I hey! I am older than you! Respect!" He said jokingly poking his chest his eye wide, but a smile on his lips.

"Come on... have I ever considered the fact that you are older than me?" She asked cocking her eyebrow.

" tell me, why did you call me here?" He asked the happy smile still on his face,

Sarang's smile faltered a little. A teensy weensy bit... A normal person would be oblivious to the sudden change in expression.

But jimin was not some person, for he knew right away that something was wrong. She seemed... Kind of tensed...

"W-what is it Sarang? You seem quite uneasy... Is everything alright?" He asked feeling weirdly nervous and anxious. Why he was feeling this, he did not know.

"I-I actually have some news... Good news... To tell you". She said looking up at him.

Jimin heaved a sigh of relief and smiled "oh really? what is it?" he asked excitedly.

Sarang looked up at him a faint smile on her face, as she handed him an envelope and said

"I, am getting married..." she said in a small but firm voice.

That's when jimin flet his whole world crash down.

He felt a huge pang in his heart, dizziness in his mind and his feelings going haywire.

He opened his mouth to speak.

But the only thing that could come out of his mouth was a confused "w-what?".

"Jimin, I am getting married". Sarang repeated looking into his eyes with a bit of hesitation.

He couldn't believed it.... No .... He didn't want to believe. He did not want to believe that the woman he had held so close to his heart was going to another man. No.... it was not okay. He.. was not okay.

"Sarang you are j-joking right? Come's not funny!" He said desperately trying to search her eyes for some consolence, which he did not find. Her eyes were dead serious.

"It's not a joke... I am getting married in 2 days." She said looking seriously at him.

That was it.... He turned the envolop in his hands.

With trembling hands, he opened it. It was an invitation.

An invitation to a wedding.

"When... Did you .... Who is .... Why... How....?" His mind was not working properly. He was too shocked... Caught off guard...

"It is an arranged marriage." She said answering all his questions I'm one sentence.

Jimin was now even more shocked. An arranged marriage? Is this the 20th century or what?

"Sarang, did you really agree to this? I mean... You are technically marrying a stranger... You don't even love..." He said his eyes wide, face in dismay.

"How do you know I don't like him? And why are you so bothered about this? Shouldn't you be happy that your friend is getting married?". She asked a little irritated.

"Do you really not know? Do you really not know why I am acting like this? Are you really going to act this way, Sarang?" he asked his ears turning red.

" look jimin you are only making this harder for both of us! " she said.

Jimin heaved a sigh. "Would it have been different if it weren't for that day? " he asked slowly.

Sarang heaved a sigh. 'that day..... ' she thought in sadness.

"I am sure you already  know the answer to that Jimin." she said as she turned and walked away. Leaving a shattered man behind her.

Hey guys!! It's a double update! Sorry for the boring chapter... I just wanted to clear things up!

So Jimin!!!!

What happened that day? Why did Sarang invite Jimin to her wedding?

Stay tuned to know...

Stay healthy and happy y'all!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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