(OOC) Introduction and Rules

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This is a book based on Mario Party 9.5 by pinkandpeachy. Before we begin, I'm just going to put this out there: the idea is the property of the above user, and if they want me to take down this book, I will do so without any hesitations. If such an event occurs, the prizes will still be handed out according to the standings at the time of the takedown. While I recognize that such an event happening is unlikely, as they have left Wattpad, this is their idea, and I'm straddling the edge of this being a copy, which they mentioned they don't appreciate. 


How this book will work:

1. You will sign up to "enter" a Paper Mario character. It must be a Paper Mario character. No exceptions. I am not accepting Link, Geno or Waluigi. I'm sorry, our beautiful Wah.

2. Your character will "participate" in minigames after a quick story to set up the scene. Their results will be decided by you. I'll put a prompt and a minigame for you to play here, and you can PM me your response and I'll judge you accordingly. 

3. Yes, there will be deadlines. However, I will be much more forgiving than the other two books - all minigames will be announced in a... well, profile announcement. I'll also tag every participating Wattpadder in the announcement. The deadlines are also going to be quite long, ranging from around 3 days to one week depending on my own schedule. After that, I will no longer take submissions, and I'll get to work writing the next chapter. 

4. Once all your submissions are in and judged, I'll write a short story telling how the minigame went, and also further the (semblance of) story itself. For example, if you didn't do too well in the minigame, your character will be shown doing poorly, while if you aced it, your character will be doing the same. You'll also get to see my attempts at PM humor and mostly my terrible crackfic explosions and party poppers and things like that. Do not expect any good writing - I wasted all my "good writing" energy on Odyssey and I need to time to vomit out all the questionable stuff in my head.

5. Points are dished out to your characters. In the other two books, not participating nets you 0 points, but I'm going to be slightly more lenient - if you tell me AHEAD OF TIME that you won't be able to participate in something, or if you tell me you're not going to be free during a certain period, I'll be able to let RNG roll for your results OR let someone else play for you, too (as long as you, the person playing for you, and I all agree with it being okay ahead of time). What? Don't look at me! This is Mario Party! Everything is RNG in Mario Party!

6. As a followup to that last rule, you CAN team up with another user, so long as 1. the understudy knows they won't get the full reward and 2. they're not in the book. For example, if A gets in and B doesn't, B can play for A when A isn't there, or they can plan their responses together. However, when the prizes are dished out and one of them wins, the reward will be given to A, who can decide to extend the reward to B (for example, shouting out player B during announcements where A gets a shoutout, or giving B a bunch of votes when A gets them)

7. The process repeats! After a certain amount of minigames, the book will be over, the points are tallied up, and then a winner is decided.

Soup, what do you mean a certain amount? Shouldn't that be decided already? 


General Rules:


2. That goes for swearing! If you want to curse REALLY badly, just place a mash of symbols, like "$*%^&$". For example:

"$*^&%$! %*$&%^$ YOU! %*^Y&%* YOU ALL!" screeched Grambi when he realized that there was no milk for his Cheerios.

3. 90% of my decisions are final. They are also questionable, but you're not allowed to question them anyway, because I claimed the rights to questioning myself long ago.

4. No harassment or rushing! Even throwing explosions and paint bombs around everywhere takes some time. It may take me a long time to come up with something or be able to express it in true terrible-ness. The schedule isn't perfect, and I still do need to write this stuff, and I have life problems, so the updating will be weird and all over the place. Sorry!

5. Color Splash is not a bad game. It's actually pretty neat. I will not tolerate any Color Splash hate in the comments. This rule also applies to Sticker Star.

6. No drama in the comments! Especially not Paper Mario drama. No "I deserved the win more" or "[user] is cheating" or "TTYD is better than SPM". If you post the last one you are banned.

7. You can't blame me if you didn't do well, or if your RNG didn't work out. Neither can you blame someone who played for you. I'm out of alternatives there! I can't time travel!

8. Have fun.

But Soup, your challenges are boring-


Now, is this the signups page? NO. NO NO NO NO. Do not comment "I'm gonna be [insert character here]" on this chapter. The signups page is in the prologue. Yes, you have another chapter to read first.

On a friendlier note:

If you ever have any questions, ask in the comments or PM me if you don't want others to see it, in which case I'm going to assume you're asking something relevant to only yourself and not trying to send me Super Crowns and 3-Ups. Keep those nasty things away from me or I will spam you with my ships.

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