Chapter Three: Battle of the Incredibly Unwilling (Solde's Challenge)

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The moment he yelled that word, everyone was off. Not just the contestants - Fortilla and Solde made a mad dash for the peak to record everyone. The four, however, began dashing across the wooden bridge. 

Just crossing over to the tower already caused quite a few scuffles. Goomboss, the heaviest and slowest one, threatened to knock the other three off with every step. It got so bad that Mr L gave up and Super-Jumped on him, enraging the Goomba monarch. The two quickly got into a fight shortly after, while Flavio and Bombette quickly scurried away before it could get any worse. 

The first obstacle presented itself - at least for those who were inside - a conveyor belt going the other way. Bombette put on a burst of speed and rushed past, Flavio running after her. Goomboss stumbled in shortly after, but what he lacked in speed he made up for in step size. 

"They're getting pretty close to the first new addition. Shall I activate it?" Tacolb asked inside a control room.

"Why not?"

As the contestants got closer and closer to the stairway, an iron gate crashed down out of nowhere. Bombette quickly turned sideways and slid through the bars. Goomboss kicked the gate and the whole thing broke, allowing himself and Flavio through. 

"Okay, never mind. Stairway defense activate!" 

At Huey's declaration, the blue Paint Star quickly began tapping away at his controls. Hammers burst out of the walls, spinning about parallel to the ground. Iron rods blocked the way, forcing anyone going through to climb about them. A small squadron of friendly Shy Guys pulled out paintball guns. 

The pink Bob-Omb tried her hand at getting through the gauntlet. Rushing up the stairs, she dashed for the nearest Shy Guy and blew up in their face. The explosion dislodged quite a few of the poles in the way, blocking the hammers' cycles. Grabbing one of the rods with her braid, she proceeded to disarm all the other minions and turned back only to see that both Flavio and Goomboss had made it past the stairs while she wasn't looking. "...I'm going to bomb them in their sleep." 

Thankfully, she wouldn't have to wait long to get her revenge. The duo were stuck on a conveyor belt not too far away, more Shy Guys forcing the moving platform the other way. Bombette forced them out in moments, also knocking Flavio and Goomboss off before rushing to the last part of the course. 

The stairway had been fixed every since the "M Incident", but Crimm had installed a last-ditch defense just in case. Goomboss was powerful enough to smash the weaker platforms and leave Flavio and Bombette on the other side, but they quickly regenerated moments later, letting the small Bob-Omb rush up and bomb him all the way back down to the ground floor. 

Now it was just up to the tiny duo, both pushing and shoving the other out the way to make it to the top. The goal sat just ahead, a giant hyper-realistic bottle containing ten Prism Points and three more smaller ones next to it. Bombette suddenly put on a new burst of speed, rushing straight for the prize.

And then Brobot smashed in through the ceiling and broke it. 

All ten Prism Points flew out of the bottle from the giant mech's landing, flying upward before landing neatly in a certain young man's gloved hand. Mr L smirked from atop the mech. "Hey." 

Solde looked up towards the mostly-exploded roof of the Crimson Tower. "Yeah, uh, good thing Crimm's off planet. We can just cover it until they get back."

Huey clambered up from the control room. "...Oh dear." Meanwhile, Bombette smashed the second largest bottle and took the 7 Prism Points, while Flavio took the third. Goomboss stumbled in shortly after, taking the one-point bottle.

(Minigame earnings:

BOOMFanficALatta/Mr L: 10

TuliDream/Bombette: 7

NintendoJedi/Flavio: 3

yoshistar_123/Goomboss: 1

Current Standings: 

TuliDream: 14

yoshistar_123: 11

BOOMFanficALatta: 11

NintendoJedi: 6)

"That was... quite a race," Fortilla muttered, looking up at whatever was left of the roof before turning to Huey. "How about we move on to the next event and pretend this never happened?"

"Sounds good to me."

• • •

"ALL RIGHT, KIDS!" Solde screeched into a far-larger-than-neccessary megaphone. "As the former champion of the Golden Coliseum, I was able to book the arena. So I'm really hoping you four can actually put up a good show, or else this will be a pretty darn boring match, and I got a crowd to please."

"Wait, what? Match?! Nobody said anything about-" Flavio began.

"As I was SAYING, you four are going to fight in the Coliseum for Prism Points - 12 of them to be exact."

"So, uh, where are those points?" inquired Bombette. "Wait a second - what are you doing behind me?" 

"What? I'm not doing anything behind you. Now hand over three points, each of you, before I impale you with this spear." Indeed, the Paint Star now held a giant ice pick that wasn't a spear but was every bit as threatening. 

"Okay, fine!" Mr L yelled before handing three of his points over as the others did the same. Solde gave them a look and then divided them into three piles - one with six, one with four, and the last with two.

"All right. Battle time, you all. Have these free brooms for weapons, and no, you're not getting anything else." All four were then shoved onto the platform. "Good luck out there!"

"WE DIDN'T AGREE TO THIIIIII-" And thus Bombette never got to finish her sentence. 

Current Standings after Solde stole some points for the Battle Minigame: 

TuliDream: 11

yoshistar_123: 8

BOOMFanficALatta: 8

NintendoJedi: 3

Anyway, here's the next challenge. It's a fight till your HP is out, so you're going to fight by sending me your best Shakespearean insult. Google your favourite, and I will judge your choices.  


- Your choices must be commented or PM-d to me.

- Your insult can be as short as you want it, but I'd prefer it to be under 20 words. I'm not reading two whole paragraphs of Shakespearean screeching.

- If two people send the same insult, I will force the person who submitted it later to change it. 

- The deadline is October 13th! I'll close this early if everyone manages to submit so you can all get an earlier next chapter.

Points handout: 

1st - 6 (technically +3)

2nd - 4 (technically +1)

3rd - 2 (technically -1)

4th - haha no (technically -3)

Have fun! 

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