Chapter Twenty-Four: Last Stand

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In response to "Where should Flavio not be?" 

In response to "Where should Flavio not be?" 

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This has nothing to do with the story. I just wanted to note the duality of PMP players.

Anyway, back to the story.

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Quickly shaking off his shock, Mr L leaped at Inky while the little villain prepared his attack, ducking through the star-shaped loop and kicking him in a face, sending the inkwell reeling for a good several seconds. It didn't take long for him to recover though, and he sent several hands flying at Flavio. The Rogueportian leaped out of the way screaming, forcing the limbed projectiles to whizz past his head and slam into the inkwell himself.

Bombette leaped at Inky with another Body Slam prepared. The projectiles from Flavio's last "attack" sprang to life the moment they sensed her. With a single movement, they grabbed on to her and flung her across the room, nearly sending her into a pit. She recovered quickly, though, dashing back into the fray with fuse alight for an explosion.

Flavio, after a moment of hesitation, pulled off his hat and donned it over Inky's eyes, causing the inkwell to flail inside - before being kicked in the back. Both then ran in opposite directions, screaming, only for Flavio to return holding Bombette. He threw her at the inkwell, both crashing into each other. One fell onto his throne of hands, while the other clattered to the floor, shakily getting back on her feet.

All three lunged at the same time, makeshift weapons (also known as each other) ready, but Inky's star loop spun around him, knocking them away and blocking all potential attacks. As they dropped to the ground, mostly unharmed, Mr L let out a low whistle. Seconds later, Brobot flew out the floor, leaving a giant hole and destroying a good amount of the army of hands.

"Eat this, Inkwell," the young man smirked from the cockpit before unleashing a flurry of attacks. Missiles flew at the little demon, lasers accompanying them. While the expanded dark wings allowed Inky to dodge a good amount of them, and the hands and star blocked many more of the attacks, two projectiles made their way through and hit him, sending him reeling back - and into a hit from Flavio who had thrown one of the hands. 

Their attacks only seemed to enrage Inky further. With a sudden burst of color, he grabbed each of the Paint Stars, seemingly using their energy to fuel his own - and a ball of plasma begna to form in front of his eyes, surrounded by bits and pieces of shadow blobbing around .

Bombette got up slowly, turning to the others. "Well. What now?"

FINAL ROUND (if all goes well)


These are just... miscellaneous questions. Have fun!

RULES: The same as ever.

1. Describe the outcome of a physical fight of you versus the last PE teacher you've had.

2. What are you most likely to major in in college?

3. Least favourite video game of all time?

4. A geometrical being that resembles a large tissue box shows up at your window while you're eating a radish. What do you do?

5. Thiccest character you know?

6. How would you react if I turned our planet into cheese (with a molten cheese/mozzarella mantle and parmesan core?)

7. Where can I find horsetail to cook?

8. Best revenge you've ever had?

9. Why do you have so many doorknobs?

10. Should second place get prizes?

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