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To whoever it may concern... nah, too formal.

To Some Person Out There... that's just rude.

Person I Do Not Know... no.

The paint can crumpled up another piece of paper into a ball and threw it into a trash can, then proceeded to chew on his pen by jamming it between his lid and himself. Why was writing letters to random recipients that he didn't know at all so hard?

"How did Mario do all this so easily?" he groaned to himself. "Or, well, Other Mario..."

It was hard to believe that there was another world out there that wasn't made of paper. What could possibly not be paper?! That was just... wrong. And that there was another Mario in that non-paper world? The other option, of course, was this his former partner was insane. Huey tried not to think about it too much and just put pen to paper again.

Dear Random Stranger...

Hm, that sounded better than the rest. Slightly less terrible. But still bad.

To anyone who receives this... anyone feeling bored, lonely, or someone who just feels like doing something...

It had been a very long time since Mario had visited. He probably didn't even know his paint can partner was still alive. Huey had sent mail, but he doubted it had made it all the way considering the recent mail system problem's he'd heard of in the news. Something something a parakoopa that keeps losing his letters something. Dang parakoopas. have been invited to...

Wait. He couldn't call this a Mario Party, right? He wasn't Mario. But the rules were from something called a Mario Party. This was confusing. Instead of thinking rationally like any person would, Huey flew from his seat at Prisma Café, dunked himself into the paint fountain, screamed, and flew back. Dipping his pen in a patch of blue, he continued on.

...a Prisma Party!

"Curse writer's block," the paint can grumbled as he continued to scribbled across the paper, pen in handle. It was a dumb name, but he couldn't've come up with anything better. What, "Paper Mario Party"? That was just stupid.

Come join at the center of Port Prisma, Prism Island, on XX/XX/XXXX, about a week from now. Participate in a variety of events, and there will be a spectacular prize at the end!

RSVP: Prisma Fountain/Rainbow Fountain, Port Prisma, Prisma Island. 

Hope to see you there!

P.S. I'll pay for the first meal and bring packed lunches, but please bring your own cash if you want to buy any souvenirs.

Okay, maybe this was a little much, but he was only sending out a few invites. Hopefully the lucky ones wouldn't make him spend all his life savings in one go.

A minute later, each letter had been perfectly replicated several times. Each copy had been fit into an envelope, stamped with the Prisma Seal, and was ready to be shipped to... anywhere honestly. Flipside, Rogueport, the Mushroom Kingdom where Parakarry would pick them up and proceed to lose each and every single one of them. Huey watched as the air-mail planes flew off in every direction, ready to invite new friends to the party.

He fell over with a splash into the fountain. This is going to be a long week of waiting.


Yep, an event before the story's even began! In order to signup, you don't just choose a Paper Mario character - you choose them AND write an RSVP letter back to Huey, confirming your character's decision to enter. Post your "letter" in the comments, or if you want to keep your writing private, PM them to me!

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