Chapter Two: How To Irritate Four People At The Same Time (Crimm's Challenge)

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"On your marks? Get set... GO!" With the timer begun, all four contestants began to work away at their ice cube. 

Bombette smirked as she set her fuse aflame. Within seconds, she'd blown up, causing frosty shrapnel to rain all around. 

Mr L on the other hand quickly called for his Brobot. With a rip, the mostly-shambles mech tore through the fabric of reality and arrived at his side. The Green Thunder then redirected his metal brother's landing spot to the block, reducing it into little more than a puddle. 

Flavio broke his by simply giving a lecture of his many accomplishments out loud. It only took two seconds for the cube to shatter itself. 

Goomboss took the most head-on approach - quite literally. Despite his size, he still managed to land a powerful Headbonk that crumbled the block into smithereens. 

With that, all four contestants turned to Huey and the watchful eyes of the Paint Stars. The paint can spoke up after a moment. "Well, that was... very fast. Luckily, Tacolb has a camera with slow-mo, so we'll decide on who really won. HEY, BLUE!"

"I have your footage right here," the blue star replied. "Here you are, sir." 

The small guardian gave it a look. "Yeah, uh, we're going to have to slow that down."

"By how much?"


Tacolb sighed. "I hate you all."

After a minute of technical difficulties and explosions, Tacolb finally managed to slow the video to a frame per second. Everyone crowded around the camera to watch, Huey nabbing front seat next to the Paint Star. As he fiddled with the recording, the standings became loud and clear.

"All right." Huey turned to the others. "Mr L, you're going first."

"OH COME ON! Ugh. Fine. The name's Mr L, the Green Thunder, blah, you probably already know, I'm actually a malevolent spirit of Luigi's subconscious possessing his body with what's left of Floro Sprout juice, blah, goodbye." 

It took about five seconds for that to sink in. Then Bombette excused herself to go to the nearest trash can and threw up. 

"Okay. That's too much information," Huey replied.

"You asked for it, Mr Tinface. Anyway, Mr. Won'tstopblabbing, you're next. Wait no I-" At that, Mr L clamped his hand over his mouth for a moment, Bombette cringed, and Goomboss rolled one of his eyes. 

"Very well, then! Let me tell you the story of Flavio. It all began when..." 

"Psst, Huey. How about we just ignore him and go on?" Solde whispered.  Without waiting for an answer, she just continued. "Bombette's next, isn't she?" 

"I am? Oh, hey. I'm Bombette from the Mushroom Kingdom. I'm a Bob-Omb, in case you can't tell. I've been in my fair-share of butt-kicking adventures, so believe me when I say I can pull my own!" Although her introduction was nice enough, it was a little hard to hear over Flavio's rambling.

"All right. Anyway... that makes King Goomba the victor of our first minigame! Congratulations!" With that, the paint can attempted to hand a pile of ten colorful coin-like objects over. It worked until he realized that the Goomba didn't have hands. Noticing the sudden hesitation, Goomboss rolled his eyes, tapped into his infinite psychic power and picked up the pile with absolutely nothing. Trust me, Goombas are secretly psychics. Just play that hammer minigame from Super Mario Party.

Trying not to notice, Huey moved on. Bombette got seven of the discs, Flavio three and Mr L one. As the guests stared at the odd bits in their hands (or lack of hands for some), their gazes eventually went to their host. 

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