Chapter One: The Beginning of the Worst Party Ever (Huey's Challenge)

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(Before we start, here's a guide for the Paint Stars and their pronouns so you can tell who is who. This will be important, because they'll also be running the challenges for the next six chapters.)







Each primary and secondary color who are opposite on the color wheel have the same pronouns, so it's perfectly balanced as all things should be.)

It took a few days for the letters to come back - and the audio recording, too. Counting them brought the total up to 4 partygoers. 

Just looking at the replies made his paint slosh about a little. Huey knew that it was stupid getting nervous over a four-person party, not including himself, but three's a crowd, and he didn't do well with crowds! Well, he couldn't really back out now. Perhaps he could still pull off the party he dreamed of and really bring happiness to a few strangers who needed it...

"Huey. Is this good?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Okay, Tacolb... no, a little more to the left... no, to the right... up, maybe?" 

"Huey, be more specific," sighed the blue Big Paint Star. "What are the exact coordinates you want this specific banner point to be at?"

"Aw, who cares? I think it's fine," the yellow one replied as she flew past. 

"Solde, your side is a mess. What have you and Crimm done?!" Tacolb sighed, earning himself a glare from both the Red and Yellow stars. 

Huey turned. "Oh, don't worry about it. I oversaw the whole thi... why are there six vertical lines and one horizontal one? And why are there odd spaces in between? And why is it captioned 'Is This Lo-'" 

"Uhhhhh blame Tarino or something," Crimm replied, pointing one of their points at the orange one. "It's, uh, his color."

"You and Solde just drew that together, didn't you?" The paint can's eyes narrowed.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" screeched the red star before they soared off into the horizon and disappeared. Legend has that they were never seen again, and that's the real reason why there has never been another Paper Mario.

Anyway, while they were working on the decorations and Huey attempted to not get nervous over having to face so many people, one of said people just... showed up. For no reason. Right in the middle of preparations. The paint can didn't even notice before the green Paint Star, Emelda, pointed it out to him. "Huey? Hueyyyyy! There's someone right there and we're not quite ready yet."

"What? No. There's nobody there. I specifically said arrive at one thirty-five, and it's only one. There's nobody there. Still thirty-five minutes to go."

"Excuse me, I'm right here," Mr L stated.

It took about twenty seconds for the fact to sink in. Then Huey spoke. "WHAT."

"I'm right here."


"I SAID I'm right here. Thirty-five minutes early, too." 


"Precisely why I'm early."

"Calm down, calm down," Solde interrupted, taking over Huey's role while he was busy freaking out. "Uh, hello... er... 'Mister L'?"

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