Chapter 7: Eat, sleep, repeat.

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Chapter 7: Eat, sleep, repeat.

-Daniel’s POV-

Beau and James were arguing over which pizzas to get. They were arguing over meatlovers and Hawaiian. I decided to try and fix the problem myself.

“Guys, shut up! Why don’t you just get on of each?”

They look confused at my suggestion then continued to argue. I put my hand into my hands. Beau and James are always arguing over things. They were such children. I looked up to see if they were in each others yet but they weren’t. All I saw was Jai. He had puffy eyes and stained cheeks. I didn’t understand why, maybe he was upset about us laughing at him. If he was it was like him. Jai isn’t that emotional, is he? My thoughts were interrupted by a girl shouting. I looked around the table until my eyes meet Darcy’s. She was yelling at James and Beau.

“Beau, James, Shut up! We are getting a supreme, Hawaiian and meatlovers okay?”

Both of them nodded. I had suggested something similar only a few minutes ago. The power of girls, aye?

-Darcy’s POV-

I walked back into the kitchen with Jai behind me. Beau and James were still arguing about pizzas. They really need to grow up. Like come on, it’s only pizza. Beau and James were the only ones shouting. I was sick of them bickering over pizza so I yelled at them.

“Beau, James, Shut up! We are getting a supreme, Hawaiian and meatlovers okay?”

The room went dead silent. Everyone was staring at me, well everyone except for Jai. He was busy on his phone. Probably on Twitter. I was so embarrassed. I shoved my face into Luke chest. The boys must have been able to tell because when I looked out they went back to what they were doing. James called to order the pizza while Beau and Skip went to the lounge room to edit the video. Jai was still on twitter. Luke was still holding my hand as he walked out of the room. He walked me to his bedroom and closed the door. He sat me down on his bed.

“Darcy, I need to ask you something?”

I got a bit worried.

“Okay. What is it?”

“Well, now that we are kinda in a relationship I was wondering if we could go public. Is that okay with you?”

I let out a sigh of relief. I had to think about it first. I was worried about what people would think and the hate I would get. I looked at Luke in the eyes.

“To be honest, I am a bit scared about what people will think and all the hate I will get.”

He grabbed both my hands.

“Babe, I’ll be here for you every step. Who cares what people will think? I love you and you love me and that’s all that matters.”

I was a bit more open to the idea. I wanted to but I just needed some time with Luke alone before the public and press got involved.

“I’ll tell you what. Let’s have tonight and tomorrow together without the public and press in our back pockets and then we can go public. What do you think?”

Luke gave me the biggest smile in return. He stood up and pulled me up. He hugged me tight before giving me a passionate kiss.

“I think that’s a great idea.”

-Luke’s POV-

Darcy had left me in the kitchen with Beau, James and Skip. I saw her walk down the hallway and enter mine and Jai’s bedroom. I knew what she was doing. She was going to inform Jai about the sleepover. She walked back in and walked over to me. She grabbed my hand and placed it in her own. The boys were still arguing over pizza. Before I could think about saying anything Darcy stepped in. She yelled at them.

What's a girl meant to do? (A Janoskians FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now