Chapter 1

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It was yet another day of school at Angelwood High school when Emma saw the new girl. Emma could tell that she was really shy and had a hard time opening her locker so she went over to help her. Emma was able to make small talk but the new girl was nervous since she kept looking to her feet while trying not to make eye contact with her. Her name was Scarlett and she noticed a weird mark on her left hand that was similar to her own. Emma decided to introduce herself, not noticing the mark on her hand. "Hi, you must be the new girl, I'm Emma. Nice to meet you!" Scarlett fidgeted with her hands decided whether or not to respond. But, in the end, she decided to do so. "G-good morning. I-I am Scarlett. N-Nice to m-meet y-you too." She stuttered and tucked her red, curly hair behind her ear. The bell rang notifying them that the class was about to start. They quickly rushed to class only to find out that they had the same classes till next semester. During class, Scarlett sat next to a blonde-haired boy and said his name was Leo. Scarlett was still nervous at the time but she managed to wave back. Scarlett noticed her mark on her hand started glowing so she quickly hid it with her sleeve with her jacket. After that Scarlett ran out of the class, into the girl's bathroom where she examined her mark.


Lunchtime came around, and Scarlett saw the two people she met earlier telling her to come to sit down with them. All of them noticed that their left hand was glowing and they started asking questions. "What is going on!" yelled Emma. "Calm down people can hear you," Scarlett responded. "Well, that's a little hard when there is a mark on your hand glowing!" Leo yelled. "Maybe we're somehow connected since I was in class and it started to glow when I got close to you guys," Scarlett said softly. "That can't happen, this is real life!" Emma whispered harshly. "My Dad said that they protected these weird artifacts and that two other people help her. He also said that he had a mark "My parents too!" Scarlett and Emma said in unison. "Have you ever felt like it was leading you to something," Emma said while Leo and Scarlett looked at her with confusion in their expressions. "I mean when I would go hiking I sometimes feel this presence pulling toward a different path instead of wanting me to go home. Of course, I didn't go because I didn't want to go alone." Emma said. " Maybe we should try to go this afternoon when school is finished," Leo stated while Emma and Scarlett nodded. A few hours later the three got out of class and went on the hiking trail when they were met with two paths. One path going home and the other leading elsewhere. "I was around here when I felt the need to go left instead of right," Emma said with a little bit of worry in her voice. "Do you think we should go check it out?" "We can try tomorrow. It's getting late." Scarlett responded. Leo and Emma nodded in agreement and went home.  

To be continued...

The New Beginning of the Crusaders | Crusaders Trilogy: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now