Chapter 12

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I walked down the hallway to my room with a proud smile on my face for what I just did, I hope that told him not to mess with me, not gonna lie though, it kind of turned me on a bit but I need to ignore that feeling!

I entered my room and Avery was getting changed, I went and snuggled under my covers earning a stare from him.

"What are you doing?" He asked in disbelief, furrowing my brow

"Going back to sleep" I said in a 'duh' tone, wiggling further into the covers

"NuHu, you made me get up, you can to back to bed!" He sort of yelled

"I needed you to get up so I could go for a wee and now I have done that, we can go back to snuggling, can't we?" I asked hopefully, jutting out my bottom lip.

He rolled his eyes "Fine, not for long" he said with a huff but I new he didn't mind.

He took of his top leaving him in his sweats, he climbed back into bed, we resumed out position from this morning and I decided to turn on Netflix in the background

Knock knock Knock

Ugh. I'm busy being comfy and cuddling does Someone have to interrupts that.

Avery had his head in the crook of my neck and his arm around my waist. Fast asleep. I on the other hand was watching 'The Vampire Diaries' on Netflix, Team Damon right???!!

Not wanting to disturb Avery I quietly said "come in" and the door soon after opened, revealing Sawyer, great! just who I wanted to talk to.

His jaw clenched slightly as he looked at Avery...God can he get over himself already.

"What?" I asked sort of annoyed and also sort of bored.

"Erm I wanted to talk to you, to apologise but I can see your busy so I come back later-" he spoke hastily but before he copied leave I spoke up,

"No. Tell me now, he's a heavy sleeper, trust me he won't wake up to a bit of chatter." I stated and it was true.

This one time, we went to a concert of a singer I liked, Ed Sheeran, and he fell asleep, the music was so loud and everyone was screaming but he fell fast asleep in his seat!

"Oh, ok, well I wanted to say sorry, yesterday was rude of me and I was Immature and insensitive, of course it's been hard for you to leave your life behind and start fresh and I don't know how I didn't see that, I suppose it's just that me and the boys took a liking to you and want to spend time with you but your spending all you time with him so we felt left out and jealous but I see now we where stupid and you obviously missed your best friend, I'm sorry" he said in almost one long breath.

The way he referred to Avery as 'Him' and said best friend in a very stiff tone didn't really make me believe that he was alright with it, but I don't care or want to fight so...

"I accept your apology, just try not to be so dense, I needed Avery so I got Avery that's how it goes and vice versa so get used to this" I said gesturing my free arm to the lightly snoring bundle that was slowly crushing my left side!

He tensed a little bit but nodded "What's it like?" He asked sincerely, taking a seat on my desk chair

"What's what like?" I repeated back a bit confused by the question.

"Having such a close bond with someone" he said glancing at Avery and then back to me

"Avery is my family, I love him more than my actual family. You know I struggle with my mental health and well I probably wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him, he's my rock and I love him!"

He nodded

"Having a close bond with someone is a very special thing, a rare thing. It's having a person who knows everything about you, inside and out, who accepts you and supports you and that's what Avery is." I said softly, glancing at him in his sleep.

"It must be nice, having that" he said keeping his gaze on the floor, why does he seem sad?

"Don't you, have that?" I asked him, I know mine and Avery relationship is interesting but everyone has a best friend, don't they?

He shook his head "I have my best friend Ryan, but I could never imagine us with a bond like yours, I mean I just have so many questions about it and I don't know why" he stated shaking his head in confusion

I understood, people get confused by mine and Avery relationship so we get a lot of questions and explain a lot!

"Ask away" I said with a slight laugh as his eyes widened at my response

He nodded but said nothing,

"He calls you babygirl why?" He asked, slightly tensing as he says the name, we got this question a lot.

"I'm younger than him and I'm his baby, he wants to protect me like you would a baby" I said chuckling to myself but sawyer just nodded.

"How did you get so close?" He asked and I shifted uncomfortably, they still didn't know about my parents.

"He basically lives with me, or I lived with him for the last years or so, I had a shitty home life so he took me in" I said casually keeping it brief

"At the beach, he undressed you and then you clung to him all day, why?" He said a bit bitterly, god why is he so interested in this, it's completely normal!

"We've know each other since I was 3, we get changed in front of each other all the time, so him taking off my top was not a big deal" I said casually but sounding a little defensive.

"You change in front of each other, like naked!" He said sounding a little angry with my answer... why ask the question then?

"Yep, like I said we are close and comfortable around each other and as for why he was carrying me, in not comfortable with my body at the moment so he was protecting me, that's his job" I said with a firm nod to myself.

"Not comfortable?, from what I saw, your body is beautiful" he said sounding sinever, a little blush crept to my cheeks but not enough to notice.

"Thanks, But it's not a big deal, anymore questions or are you done interrogating me about my relationship with with sleeping moron" I sighed and pulled off Averys beanie, running my hands in his short hair.

He wriggled and let out a little moan, "baby stop it!" He mumbled sternly into my neck and I just giggle, I could see Sawyer clenching his jaw in the corner but I continued I a cruel person?

"Nope. No more questions, I'm going to go" he said quickly before leaving the room.

"He likes you" Avery mumbled into my neck once again and I furrowed my brow

"No he doesn't and anyway, he's 21" I said, not that age mattered to me

"He was in here asking you why I call you babygirl and why I undressed you, he likes you and I make him jealous" he mumble once again into my neck

"You were meant to be asleep!" I lightly scolded

"You where taking about me, I couldn't not listen, plus I love you too" He said lightly kissing my neck

"He doesn't like me he sees me as a child with issues and he was not jealous of us, he's annoyed I'm neglecting them for you" I stated confidently

"Yeah annoyed because he likes you, just accept it, it's pretty obvious" he said, taking his head out from my neck and burrowing into my shoulder making me giggle

"You think?" I asked unsure,

Sawyer was hot and funny and caring but he was 21, why would he want to date a 17 year old girl with depression, Anxiety and a secret Weed habit?...speaking of...

"Smoke whilst we talk?" I asked before he could answer my previous question and he nodded

I opened up my balcony doors and we went to the sun lounger, Avery sat down , lent back and opened his legs so that I could sit in between them putting my back and head against his chest.

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