Chapter 15

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Sawyer's P.O.V

We where waiting downstairs for Emerson to finish getting ready, my head snapped up as she walked into the room, she looked hot

She was wearing short black denim shorts with a white lace strappy body suit that was laced up at the front and a cream cardigan over the top

"You look gorgeous baby" Avery said as she walked in and Like scoffed at his comment, I mentally eye rolled, this guys always makes comments about her, calling her baby, babe and babygirl, it's annoying

"You look hot sweetheart" Chris was the next to say something, hot? Who does he think he is talking to her like that, he definitely has a thing for her.

She chose to ride with Daniel to my disappointment and Avery rode with Chris, they seemed to be getting on well which is weird to see,


I was at the party and I was bored, Jamie was with some girl, so was Ethan, the Twins, Chris and Avery where playing Beer pong and all of the girls where so immature so I looked for Daniel or Emerson

My eyes locked on Daniel who was dancing with a girl, Emerson, she was grinding on him and he had a tight grip of her hips, they where laughing and singing along, her eyes locked with mine and she gave me an innocent smile, not realising what she was doing was tearing me apart, I stared back at her.

She turned back around to Dan wrapping finer arms around his neck as a new song came on, all of a sudden her leaned down and crashed his lips straight into hers, pulling her close, I was about to step In to help her out When she started to kiss back, tightening her grip around his neck, playing with his hair.

I watched from a little bit longer, turning read with anger before storming of and outside to cool down, how could she do this. I mean I know she doesn't know I like her and that she probably would never date a 21 year old but why Daniel?

It hurt.


Me and all the boys went home but we couldn't find Emerson and Daniel we assumed he had already taken her home, Avery took me and Ethan aside before the party and explained how parties can set off her anxiety explaining her resistance which made us feel stupid for letting the boys pressure her,

What I'd didn't expect was to see what I saw when I got home, Daniel was shirtless, on top of Emerson who was wearing some small grey shorts and a white tank top.

They where in a very intense makeout session, her Legs around his waist, hands in hair, one of his hands what squeezing her thigh the other supporting his weight.

What the hell was happening, me and all the boys stopped dead in our tracks when we saw them

"What the hell!" I yelled to get their attention

Daniel sat up casually and Emerson quickly followed, both their lips red and a bit swollen.

"Hey Guys" Daniel said getting up off me and casually pulling his shirt back on as if this was completely ok.


"What is going on!?" Chris said sounding confused and a bit angry, angry because he likes her??

"Oh-erm" she started but didn't know what to say

"We are kind of a thing" Daniel butted in

"Your What!?" I yelled at them making Emerson flinch a little

"I told her I liked her before the party and now we're here" he said simply and she just nodded

I lost my chance, I waited to long to tell her I liked her and now she is with Daniel, my brother.

I think I love this girl and my brother stole her. I know that my other brothers will be mad at this to, I'm pretty sure we all like her, but I think I love her.

"Emerson baby, can I talk to you? Alone." Avery said in a stern tone and she nodded and walked away with him, why did she always do as he said.

It was now just my brothers all stood around the room glaring at Daniel

"Dude, Care to explain?" Ethan said crossing his arms, even he looked a little mad, jealous even?

"Well...we have been talking over the last week, we have a lot in common not to mention the fact she is beautiful and funny, she can sing and definitely dance" he said with a smirk referring to the party

"So before when you where all pressuring he about the party and she ran off I went to comfort her and we kissed" he said pausing for a breath

"The In the car she freaked out about the kiss and I told her I liked her and she told me she liked me back then one thing led from another and here we are" he finally finished, keeping a casual tone

I could tell all the boys including me where tense at the situation

"So your dating?" Ethan asked and he shook his head no

So I could still have a chance

"No I'm going to ask her out on a date first then see what happens front there, ahh man I'm so lucky she's amazing" he smiled and left the room

Okay I need a plan to win her over

Chris P.O.V

"So your dating?" Ethan asked and he shook his head no

So I could still have a chance

Jacobs P.O.V

"So your dating?" Ethan asked and he shook his head no

So I could still have a chance

Luke's P.O.V

"So your dating?" Ethan asked and he shook his head no

So I could still have a chance

Jamie's P.O.V

"So your dating?" Ethan asked and he shook his head no

So I could still have a chance

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