Chapter 16

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I felt a little bad about everyone walking in on us, I wasn't embarrassed but I just didn't want to hurt any of their feelings, not that they should care if I'm with Daniel or not.

"What's going on Emmy?" Avery asked when we where alone, his arms crossed

"I don't know" I said truthfully, I was a bit confused

"Since when have you two liked each other?" He asked me keeping his tone stern and authoritative

"Well when I was In the car with him the other day he was easy to be around and to talk to so I told him about my anxiety and we have chatted a bit since then, so I think I trust him, Then He kissed me and told me he liked me and I think I like him back" I said truthfully, but I was definitely confused

" sure you like him, you will be comfortable telling him things about yourself or did you just get caught up because of the kiss, I know what your like Em" he said more softly looking in my eyes,

Damn now I was thinking, I liked him, didn't I?

I know what Avery was in about, in freshman year I dated a guy just because I was thankful for him tutoring me in Spanish but obviously since then I have been though a lot and I don't trust easily, so feeling like I could trust Daniel a bit says something

"I don't know, I like him but then again he comforted me and stopped a panic attack so now I'm not sure." I said honestly

"Just think about it, don't lead him on, I can tell that he really likes you along with the rest of the boys" he said like I should have know this but I didn't, the other boys like me.

"What should I do?" I ask Avery

"Whatever feels right, but for now let's sleep, cus I'm tired and I can see your tired too" he said guiding me to my bed

"Cuddles?" I ask as I snuggle under the duvet

"Cuddles" he confirms getting under and pulling me into him, I LOVE CUDDLES especially Avery's cuddles


Luke's P.O.V

I don't know whey seeing her kissing Daniel hurt so much, I don't like her, at all.

I only met her a week ago and I've been nothing but rude to her and she obviously things I'm a dick, that stunt she pulled in the bathroom shows she's not afraid of me, but for some reason when I made her cry the other day I felt bad, really bad but I'm not the kind of guy who apologised for things.

I'm not the kind of guy who shows emotion towards people, who likes people, I'm the kind of guy who bangs a girl for fun then dumps her, I don't commit, I would never commit, would I?

I still wanted to seduce Emerson, wether it was for fun or because I felt something for her, she messed with me big time in the bathroom and I only think it's fair to get her back...and show her what she's missing.

Next morning

I hear Emerson telling Avery she is going for a shower, I'm not a stalker, I promise.

So I go into the bathroom and hide behind the Curtain Waiting for her to get in, I'm dressed in a pair of basketball shorts, nothing else.

The door opened and I can hear her humming got herself, her voice is amazing just like Daniel said it was. As she started to sing softly I got lost in her voice, how angelic it sounded.

I was quickly drawn out of my haze when she turns in the shower causing water droplets to hit my bare skin, shocking me at first.

The curtain pulls back slightly and I see one of her long, tanned, smooth, beautiful legs step into the shower, followed by the rest of her naked body, she stands under before turning around and noticing me,

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